Black sex-link personality?! and pics

Lorelai is my fussiest chick. She's about 6 wks old and is very pretty with lots of brown trim on her feathers and is petite compared to the others. She is very vocal and sounds whiny. She cheeps like crazy when you pick her up, or get near her, or if one of the others is separated from the group, or if she found treat to snack on, or if something is out of order in her little world. High strung is a good way of describing her. She doesn't bite, and isn't agressive, just not overly friendly. But, she is the best forager in the gang. She just caught her first lizard outside in this photo, and was squeaking like mad over her find. She's the first to find bugs and creepy crawlies to eat and is quick to snatch them up. Lucy is the BSL sandwiched between the two RSLs in this picture. She is nearly solid black with only a tiny bit of dark brown stripes on her neck and has a lovely green sheen to her feathers like a crow. She's not too fussy, very friendly, and laid back. She's a nice little bird to have in the flock, my second favorite, and a favorite of my sons'.
did ur rsl look like this lil girl at 17 days old ? i have one of six that look like that and the other five may b rir
did ur rsl look like this lil girl at 17 days old ? i have one of six that look like that and the other five may b rir
I have two black sex links and they're super aggressive. They are 14 weeks and I'm trying to add two new girls to my flock one being a 6 month grown hen and they attack her constantly. Gang up on her. But I LOVE them. They were super crazy when we got them at 2 weeks and never settled. They are very nosey. Will bite anything they want. If I walk in with food they attack me. They love to hang out with me, get bugs. Good big sisters to the other chicks (Lohnmanns) they aren't to aggressive with them. Funny thing is they love to cuddle me. If I sit in the run they will fight over my lap, close their eyes and snuggle me. I don't think I would get the breed again, but I love my girls.
Here is a pic of them. The bottom two "big girls".

This is Chalupa Batman. The boss girl.

Here is Buttons
I have 3 BSL- 2 which are about 6 weeks old (one being a runt but still adorable) and the older girl, who has just recently turned 5 years old. Kuu, my older girl, is the head of the pecking order. She has been a laying machine since she began and has yet to slow down (none of them lay in the winter. I feel like it gives them a break). Kuu generally lays anywhere from 5-7 a week. She has been my number one since the 2008 flood took my entire flock and my beloved New Hampshire Red girl Riza and my little Bantam Hime.

Personality wise, she’s pretty quiet. She alerts the world to her egg, but never makes any more than that. She is always one of the firsts who come up to the fence to greet me, even if I don’t have anything to give them. Kuu is very independent, going off on her own in the yard when the others generally stick together or in their groups. There was one who used to tag along after her, my little Lorp, but she was a thanksgiving dinner to a hawk.

The new ones are fairly quiet and rarely make a fuss when I pick them up. None of them are mean, either. I handle my chicks all the time and visit them multiple times a day. I visit my flock out in the coop daily as well, and in the summer stay outside with them on nice days drawing or doing yard work. I will always make sure to have one or two BSLs in my flock. She was always a bit rough on the new girls but after a short while they all get used to each other and don’t cause a fuss.

The image below is Ninja, my young BSL. She started off a ball of black fuzz and was the only one jumping all over the place like crazy. Now she's a very calm thing, and she's the most gentle when it comes to eating out of my hand.

My BSL Gladys will always have a special place in my heart, because she was my first experience with a truly friendly chicken. She is a bit pushy with the other chickens, but that's an alpha mentality that can be present in pretty much any breed. Meanwhile her fellow BSL is standoffish towards people and close to the bottom of the pecking order among the chickens, so they can run the full spectrum of personalities. As layers go, I am very pleased--Sylvia lays almost every day and her eggs are so big they don't fit in Jumbo egg cartons. I'd love to get more BSL's someday.

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