Black sex-link personality?! and pics

Trying to ID 2 chicks that came in my batch of Barred here so I don't navigate well yet! Anyone have 4 weekish BSL chick pictures they can post here for me? I am seeing traits of BSL and of Black Copper Marans..may e it would help to SEE it!

I have both.
Both of the blacks are BSL

I got my black copper maran at 8 weeks, so that's the youngest pic I have of her.
One of the chicks might be a BSL but it had dark to light brown legs. The other has the same legs and coloring on wings but a pretty light brownish/tan above the wings...
Can BSL's have chocolate brown' stripes' through their wing feathers? Or Dark brown feet? Still having a hard time identifying these guys and pics STILL won't upload.

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