Black sex-link personality?! and pics

we have three BSLs and they are exactly what everyone says they are. one of ours has pecked the feathers of the saddle area and bottoms and wings of all the other hens. we are devastated and don't know what to do. she is absolutely a bully. we have had to lock her in a cage away from the others for hours at a time to give the others a break. we have done EVERYTHING required to make sure they are happy and healthy and she is just out of control. she's so beautiful, yet so destructive. she has been pecking the others since they were around 1 week old. they are now a year.i am drained of ideas.we have even made toys for her to slowly get meal worms out of a red ball. we have come to the conclusion that she is who she is. A HUGE BULLY. I'm sad
I have four black-sex links. 2 of them are t the top of the pecking order. The other two aren't too far down, but one of them is my roosters favorite! I got her in a chicken saddle. They aren't aggressive, but they make sure the other chickens know where they stand.
I have 3 BSL's and 3 RIR's. All are very sweet and get along with each other. They are only 4 weeks old now. One BSL, Raven, always comes and jumps on my arm. Sometimes they get sqawky when I pick them up, like they don't remember they are ok with that. Then later if I pick them up again, they will be ok and go to sleep in my lap. The RIR's are just as sweet and interactive. I hope they stay this way as they grow older. I am enjoying them so much.

Lorelai and Lucy, my two Black Sexlinks.

Lucy is my biggest hen and as cool and gentle as a cucumber. She is the first to go in to roost every night and squawks at the other girls to come in. She moseys about the yard and is very chill. She is usually quiet except that she's my loudest hen when it comes to laying and has a definite egg song... bock bock bock bGAWK.

Lorelai is my least personable hen to people, although I can handle her, and clip her wings; she just squawks at me in indignation and tries to run away. But she gets along just fine with all the other hens and is very attached to Lucy. One time when Lucy went to roost for bed, Lorelai couldn't find her and ran around the yard squawking until I found Lucy in the coop and set her back in the yard. Lorelai ran up to her clucking then followed her back into the coop for bed. She has always been my best forager, and she's a good layer of nice tan eggs.

My other two hens are Red Sexlinks. All the girls were raised together from about 2-3wks old.
I LOVE our BSLs! They are very friendly, and they lay simply enormous eggs. I would call the size Extra Jumbo. They're half friendly, despite having been practically not handled until we bought them at a few months old. One, Sunset, has been laying practically daily since the molt (some 1.5 months ago.
we have several new sexlinks that are just about to start laying they are mixed in with banties and some brown and white chickens they are very standoffish and not very friendly to the other chickens. this is our first attempt at chickens and we have three bantys that just hatched over 10 chicks on two of them and the third has not come out of her roost at this time so I don't know how many she hatched. all in all we have over 50 chickens in our hen house different species but they all seem to get along most of the time.

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