Black sex-link personality?! and pics

We have 16 BSL. We really, really like them. They are friendly and very curious. They are just "aggressive" enough that they stand up for themselves, unlike most of our EEs. We'll probably always have some in our flock.
This one of my BSL she went broody last spring(not very common)so I gave her some BO`S to raise,she was a very good and protective mother.I have 5 that I got 4 years ago this comming spring,they are not friendly but not aggressive either,they get along well with the other chickens in the coop.Very cold hardy and layed large brown eggs every day, don`t lay much now because of their age.I also have golden comet(sexlink) none have gone broody and they are stand offish but good layers of large brown eggs they are the same age as the BSLs, I find them very skinny birds and they get lots to eat.
My 3 BSL's are great birds and lay the best of my flock of 12. Yes, they are less opinionated than other hens and do not clamor for attention as my RIR's do but I love their layed-back sensibility and laconic pace of life! It fits in well with mine here in the south!
I am going to pick up my BSL's from a local and was wondering if there is anything you look for when getting your chicks to try to get the best personality, healthiest chicks, etc.
I have two. Rudy is a little standoffish and shy, but Pippin is my little buddy. She is inquisitive and loves to sit with you. She "purrs" when she talks to you. Both are very curious. If any of my girls are aggressive, it's the RIR's not my BSL's. They will take quite a bit of attitude from the others and I don't see them pecking anyone.
Just wondering how will 4 new black sex links(4 months) be if i put them in with my existing hens that are 14 months?
I have one RSL and one BSL. The red one is stand offish and not a friendy bird at all. I've had her almost a year and always the same. Lays an average egg. The BSL: is a racist. She will go out of her way to chase and pull feather out of the BO's, or any pullet a lighter color than her. She doesn't mess the the GLW, my EE, or the red sex link. I have a red pullet hatched with the three buff colored pullets. The BSL doesn't chase the red pullet, but will run across the yard to chase the buffs. She lays the largest egg I get. I would say they are extra large. For such a small hen her eggs are gigantic. They are a light tan in color. My favorite is the GLW and the EE. Large eggs and a good disposition. Neither chase any of the others. Not even the chicks. But not the BSL. She just had an attitude.
My BSL, Flare, refuses to lay allthough, she is a little sick right now, anyways she was sick when we got her so we dont know if she just WONT lay or if its because she is sick? HELP!!!!

I'll be getting my chicks next week and have heard the good and the bad about sex links. I can only have 4 hens and don't want to risk getting roosters and since I want good layers I'm going to get 2 Gold sex link and 2 black sex links. I'll be buying them from someone trusted local who hatches and sells them, but I don't think he breeds them. He said I would be able to keep them friendly if I get them at no later than 4-5 wks old. So we'll see!

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