Black Sex-Link Picture Thread!

Thank you for all of this information as its most helpful. I'm very new at this and have bought black sex linked, Americaunas and a couple of Cochins.I've learned a lot. Again thanks and you all have beautiful birds.
These are some Black sexlinks that I picked up at the local feed store and they are so different in looks. I'm just wondering if they're both sexlinks of if one is something else. My neighbor seems to think that chick 1 is an easter egger that got mixed in with the batch.

Chick 1

Chick 2

My Black Sex Link hen Shirlena. She is about 12 wks old now. She has so much personality. She started off as the most skittish of my hens and now is very curious and comes over to me all the time. She is starting to take bread from me and she is the most talkative.
I have sixty Black Stars (sex-link) and all of those a re Black sex-link. If you do get a rooster it will begin to get a 'barred' pattern of feathers. I was glad to finally see the gold feathers as I also have sixty Black Austrolorps and was worried I wouldnt be able to distinguish between the two breeds (both black).

I thought black sex links have black feet and totally black in color for the bird? I have one and that's how it is. Or I might have misunderstood when he told me black australorps and sex links. ???
Hello, my name is Elizabeth. I am new to the whole chicken thing. LOL

I have many different breeds, and I was wondering what color eggs the black sex links lay.

I got a light brown egg with dark brown speckles on it, and I don't know who it belongs to. It is driving me nuts!

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