Black sex link pullet? or what? Prove my MIL wrong!

All right. We just heard "her" try to crow. We did rehome our roo last week, so maybe that has something to do with it? She doesn't seem to have any other roo behaviors, but who knows...I am so new to this. What the heck would "she" be if "she's" a roo?
Thanks for all your help!
Are you sure it was a crow? A couple of our [supposedly] pullets make squawking sounds sometimes.

I would have said she was a girl. She has no tail feathers.

ETA: She really looks like a Black Sex-Link, although she could be something else. We're new to chickens, too!
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I have 8 of these hens, the black stars. They do not have the comb like yours. They all have much smaller combs.
Ok sorry I'm just freaking out. And it was a sickly sounding crow, but you could tell that she was doing the body movement they do when they crow, but not nearly as exaggerated.
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Here's what my 7 month old hens look like.

I have a black sex link that's 6 weeks old and looks like her, but smaller

She's a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a Barred Rock, from what the breeder told me. Hope that helps, I can't tell the difference one way or the other. She's just much tinier than the other 11 I recently got addicted to
My girls have the brown vertical barring on just their chests, but your guy seems to have it all around his chest, around to the back. Is that right?

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