Black sex links supposed to be female

Debby R

7 Years
Nov 22, 2016

I have two that have white spots on their heads which I've read means they're male. They also have white on the ends of their wings. Are these really sex links?
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Yes. I was told they were 3 days old on Dec 21. I have photos downloading. Slowly. I live in the country with BAD internet!
If they are truly Blk sexlinks then they are male chicks.
Blk sex link pullets will be all Blk with no barring. I hope the breeder was wrong and gave you barred rock so at least there is a chance for pullets.

If they are black sex links, they are male.

Sex link means the sex is linked to the color. In black sex links, the males have the white spot on the head at hatch. The white spot is linked to the barring pattern (the white stripes showing up as the feathers grow in) and is the hallmark of a male black sex link. Females lack the barring gene, so at hatch they are solid dark on the head. As they feather in, they have no white. they're black, usually with red/gold at the throat/neck/chest.

the other possibility is your chicks are barred Rocks. Barred Rock pullets (females) are virtually identical to male black sex links. The only way to really tell the difference is to wait until about 6 weeks. At that point, the males will be sporting a larger, redder comb.

Where did you get them?
I got them from Holloways Feed in Tampa. 2 Easter Eggers, 2 black Sex Links (with white spots on their heads), and 2 Barred Rocks. The Barred were bigger than any of the others from day 1. HOPING the Sex Links are Barred, too. Here's a photo of Barred in foreground.

What do you think?
Odds are better they're barred Rocks than that they're black sex link males. But, sorry, there's no way to tell at this young age. You'll just have to wait it out. You'll be looking for larger, redder combs. As they feather in, male sex links will have a "messier" barred pattern than barred Rock pullets. But, that's not going to be as apparent when they're younger, it will show up as they grow adult feathers. By then, you'll know by combs and body shape.

I'd say post again when your birds are around 6 weeks old, we'll take a look then and see how things look.
What did they turn out to be. I just picked up some BSL at tractor supply and they both have the little white spot....I am suspicious.
Same here! We picked ours up at Tractor Supply last Sunday (our first time with chicks too) and ours look just like this. Honestly, from what I've read, they're behaving just like roosters always at the front of the pack and very inquisitive. I'd love to know if you find out yours are male. I didn't know the white spot on the head was an indicator.

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