black + splash = white

If the black rooster came from a blue x blue breeding, it could still have the blue gene, even if it is not evident. Splash babies can appear offwhite, light blue or just plain white. What it boils down to is you wont know anything until they get a little age on them. But I had the same thing happen to me.
some of the chicks i hatched are now 1\\2 feathered out there white with blue feather here there those two are out both splash parents from some else the 2 i just hatched are white out of black and splash
Blue silver wheaten is a possibility. The black parent is birchen but could be carrying wheaten and be a wheaten/birchen heterozygote. This is a possibility- I do not see how every chick would turn out with the white down. It could be that the combination of blue, silver, dark brown/columbian and wheaten are clearing the black pigment.

Here is a silver wheaten chick. This one has some yellow in the down but I have seen silver wheaten that were snow white.


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How light was the splash parent? Some splash start off white for the longest and then all of a sudden turn splash. The first chick had some black coming in. Do you have a picture of the black parent?
The white bird appears to be dominant white and that would explain the white chicks.

Here is a dominant white bird. Looks similar to your bird. Dominant white birds will sometimes carry blue.



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