black spots on rooster comb responding to Monistat cream


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State
So it started with one of my five month old roosters named Early Cuyler. I for some reason determined it to be a fungal outbreak, maybe I read it somewhere. So I had on hand Monistat Cream,. yep the womens stuff.Rubbed it on his comb twice a day and nearly immediately started noticing a difference. Now his brother is getting it.So just wanted to pass on something that works to hopefully help someone else for all the times that BYC members have helped me with stuff. May not work for every case of black spots, but hopefully some....Good luck to all...
So it started with one of my five month old roosters named Early Cuyler. I for some reason determined it to be a fungal outbreak, maybe I read it somewhere. So I had on hand Monistat Cream,. yep the womens stuff.Rubbed it on his comb twice a day and nearly immediately started noticing a difference. Now his brother is getting it.So just wanted to pass on something that works to hopefully help someone else for all the times that BYC members have helped me with stuff. May not work for every case of black spots, but hopefully some....Good luck to all...
When it comes to chickens,monistat clearly has more uses then the manufactures of this product ever intended. Perhaps we should let them know how we use monistat,they would all probably get a good laugh out of it. Lol

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