Black Star, Red Star, Golden Comets..Pullets Edmonton, Kentucky


11 Years
May 19, 2008
Munfordville, Kentucky
I have over 60 pullets available. They will start laying in about 3 weeks. If anyone is interested, they are $10 each and I live in Edmonton, Kentucky.
I also have Americauna chicks, and Silkie chicks.
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Yes they are..I also have some true rumpless Aracauna chicks..but I haven't decided yet if I am going to keep those.

I got them from a friend who raises them..but I am over run with
I still have some of the Black Star, Red Star, and a few of the Golden Comet pullets for sale...$10 each..will be laying in about 3 weeks.

I also still have a few of the Americauna, and rumpless Aracauna chicks. They are $2.50 for the Americauna and $3.00 for the Aracauna chicks. They are over two weeks old.
I still have about 30 of these birds left. The Golden Comets have been sold out, but I still have Black Stars and Red Stars available. They should be laying any day now..some have combs starting to turn color. They are still $10 each.
I still have quite a lot of these birds left. They are starting to lay now..some are and some will start any day.

They are still $10..but anyone purchasing 5 or more this weekend can have them for $9.

I don't need the!!
Do you still have your EE's? What else do you still have?

(ETA I mean how many hens/pullets, I am not interested in chicks)
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