Black sussex, is there such breed?


5 Years
Apr 3, 2017
Is there such a breed as a black sussex? My relatives have some and I saw that my pet chicken said there are only light, and speckled sussex. Is a black sussex two breeds mixed together or something?
So, there is no such thing? Then what breeds are they if they're not black sussexes? :)
No such thing as a black Sussex. They come in Brown, Buff, Coronation, Light, Red, Speckled, Silver and White. In the US only Speckled are available through the major hatcheries, while light, red, coronation and silver can be found only with private breeders.

Common black, single combed, clean legged, brown egg laying large fowl are Austrolorps and black Giants. Black Minorcas and black Andalusians are common lighter weight, white egg laying black birds. Most likely they are one of those.

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