Black tips on comb and runny poop

I can see why you are concerned with peritonitis.
Watery poops can sometimes mean they are just not eating enough. If she is under the weather (there could be bucket full of reasons why)this maybe why she’s not eating. I’ve just looked at her pics close up and some of her comb looks like it has mud on it rather than it being black. Have you washed her comb at all to have a good look?
Along with frostbite combs can sometimes change colour to a blue or purple tinge due to cyanosis which is a circulation problem.

When you say she has a baggy crop, have you considered pendulous crop?
I can see why you are concerned with peritonitis.
Watery poops can sometimes mean they are just not eating enough. If she is under the weather (there could be bucket full of reasons why)this maybe why she’s not eating. I’ve just looked at her pics close up and some of her comb looks like it has mud on it rather than it being black. Have you washed her comb at all to have a good look?
Along with frostbite combs can sometimes change colour to a blue or purple tinge due to cyanosis which is a circulation problem.

When you say she has a baggy crop, have you considered pendulous crop?
She's definitely not eating enough. Pendulous crop maybe. It is definitely larger than normal but not alot in it. I thought it was mud on her comb but the tips are hard like a scab. I will have another look in the morning and see of anything wipes off. I would go with frostbite but it's not been that cold for the last two weeks. Also with her being in my livingroom I can smell her business and it smells really bad nothing like normal really really bad. Could that be a sign of bacterial infection?
I'm not worried about her comb as her bright yellow feces indicates a much more serious condition. Yes, she might have peritonitis, tumor or fatty liver. These are just guesses though, as a veterinarian is best able to do diagnostics to help her out. If she has a bloated crop (feels like a mushy water balloon) she may have a sour/blocked crop. I like to use a human over the counter product called Gas-Ex which really helps break up the gas. Another over the counter drug you can use to help 'sweeten' the crop is Famotidine. 5 mg once a day with Gas-Ex for three days really does help with a sour crop. Another product I like to use for sour crop is Toxiban though you have to be aware it will interfere with absorption of medication, so I give it 24 hours after I've given the last dose of medication.

So many things could be wrong with her and the yellow feces in an indicator of an serious issue that she may not recover from.
I'm not worried about her comb as her bright yellow feces indicates a much more serious condition. Yes, she might have peritonitis, tumor or fatty liver. These are just guesses though, as a veterinarian is best able to do diagnostics to help her out. If she has a bloated crop (feels like a mushy water balloon) she may have a sour/blocked crop. I like to use a human over the counter product called Gas-Ex which really helps break up the gas. Another over the counter drug you can use to help 'sweeten' the crop is Famotidine. 5 mg once a day with Gas-Ex for three days really does help with a sour crop. Another product I like to use for sour crop is Toxiban though you have to be aware it will interfere with absorption of medication, so I give it 24 hours after I've given the last dose of medication.

So many things could be wrong with her and the yellow feces in an indicator of an serious issue that she may not recover from.
Thankyou. I will have to see if I can get any of those meds tomorrow. I don't have a vet local anymore so I will have to do the best I can with all your advice. She is a hybrid and they do tend to have a shorter life than purebred but if it is something I can try and treat i will do all I can. Her poop is worrying I've not had a hen with that before.
Your hen appears to have some serious issues. The bright yellow poop indicates EYP or peritonitis. Sometimes, due to unknown causes, a hen will release her yolks into her abdominal cavity instead of sending them down the oviduct. They then accumulate in the abdomen causing inflammation and infection. Her poop shows this.

Systemic infection affects the rest of her bodily functions and one can be crop issues. She's very sick. Treating the crop won't fix the peritonitis, and even that is probably above your pay grade at this point. She needs to have a good avian vet see her. They might be able to surgically clean out the mess in her abdomen and treat the infection, but the prognosis isn't a hopeful one.

If a vet is out of the question, you can give her an antibiotic such a amoxicillin and treat her crop. The crop may be full of yeast. Unfortunately, antibiotics will not help this yeast situation. In fact, it makes it worse. She's in a catch 22.

If she were my girl, I would consider a compassionate end to her suffering.
Your hen appears to have some serious issues. The bright yellow poop indicates EYP or peritonitis. Sometimes, due to unknown causes, a hen will release her yolks into her abdominal cavity instead of sending them down the oviduct. They then accumulate in the abdomen causing inflammation and infection. Her poop shows this.

Systemic infection affects the rest of her bodily functions and one can be crop issues. She's very sick. Treating the crop won't fix the peritonitis, and even that is probably above your pay grade at this point. She needs to have a good avian vet see her. They might be able to surgically clean out the mess in her abdomen and treat the infection, but the prognosis isn't a hopeful one.

If a vet is out of the question, you can give her an antibiotic such a amoxicillin and treat her crop. The crop may be full of yeast. Unfortunately, antibiotics will not help this yeast situation. In fact, it makes it worse. She's in a catch 22.

If she were my girl, I would consider a compassionate end to her suffering.
Thankyou for responding . I know peritonitis is normally the end. She seems ok at the moment but I know that can change in a heartbeat. Her poop did seem more brown and pasty this morning, not quite so liquidy. I don't have a vet local and even if I did they will be closed till Monday now. I will have to just try and make her comfortable and see what comes. She can come in tonight so she doesn't have the cold to contend with. She hasn't layed in so long I thought she would be permanently finished but I think with the warmer week we have had it has kick started her and not happened how it should.
It's sometimes called "internal laying". You may think a hen has stopped laying when she's doing it inside. The yolks are released but instead of traveling down the oviduct as they should, they get diverted into the abdomen. Sometimes stress or a genetic abnormality can cause a tear in the oviduct that causes this. This is why a vet is necessary.

A hen that is laying internally will behave normally for quite a while until things reach a tipping point. Of course, I could be wrong. But that yellow poop is significant of something going wrong.

As long as you are choosing to take a wait and see approach, you can try treating the crop to give her some relief. The easiest, most effective is miconazole, which will directly target the yeast. She would begin to feel better by tonight. You can find it in the women's hygiene products in the pharmacy. Follow the directions I give in my article. A little massage can help clear out some of the crop contents and make her feel better right away. Be careful to massage in the middle of her crop, not up top or she can vomit and aspirate the sour liquid.
Thankyou. This is alien territory to me. I had a hen with peritonitis last year but I had a vet then. She had stopped laying, mucky bum and her abdomen was swollen. She was treated for ascites. She went downhill fast, went back to the vets and her said it was peritonitis and she was euthanized. She was little over 20 weeks and had only layed about 3-4 eggs before she started with problems. I will try with her crop if that gives her some comfort then that's good.

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