Black toe HELP

chicklady234 I don't know what to clean it with I just took a wet wash cloth and got off any dirt I could, but maybe SoProlix has a better idea for cleaning the toe. if you want I can post more pictures and some pictures of your chick would be helpful (mine doesn't seem to like the camera very much ,so if you can't that's okay)
Sorry, couldn't get a picture of her toe yesterday. Will try again today. I got blue kote at my local feed store. Pet stores might carry it and you can order it online of course. Be careful, the 'dauber' is huge, will make a mess when you pull it out, and this stuff seriously stains. In addition to disinfecting, the color is supposed to help discourage picking by the other chickens. I definitely didn't have any trouble with that.

Don't know if this is what happened to your chick, but I think mine was an extreme case of what this article talks about

I just used warm water to clean the toe, applied blue kote, kept her inside until she was all dry, (tried to) put a bandage on the toe, changed the bedding in the brooder, and set her back. She pulled the bandage off pretty quick, but because it was dry, it seemed to stay fairly clean. I took her out and washed with warm water, reapplied blue kote, and let her dry off in a clean place a couple more times before the toe fell off. When it did fall off, I applied blue kote one last time and then just let her be.

She must have been about 5 weeks when I posted, but not sure when the problem started. I think the toe fell off just 3 days later. She's 7 weeks now. Here she is with some of her sisters on a supervised outing. I don't think you can tell without getting a look at her toe that anything's different about her.

Thanks again for all your help, I'm going to the store to look for blue kote . I hope they have it. my chick's toe looks like its getting better and the other chicks don't seem to be pecking it. I know this is kinda off subject but is that a Araucana and Barred Rock in your photograph?
:) Glad I could help and that your chick is doing okay!

As for the other chicks in the photo, pretty much. They are hatchery birds and supposed to be a Cuckoo Marans and Ameraucana. This is my first batch of chicks, 5 cuckoo marans, 5 ameraucana/EEs, 5 BOs, 5 BLRWs, and 5 turkens.
I'm not quiet sure what it means. Is it swollen or just red? my chick's toe is puffy but not red and it looks like its going to fall off soon. how is your chick doing like eating? drinking? walking? maybe something irritated it. if you can try to post some pictures. I'll try posting some later today.

here are some pics of our chick now. and on a side note can anybody tell me if this is a hen or a roo it was a strait run so I don't have a clue
My chicks toe fell off just last night...after we were gone for the weekend. Today, we introduced them to their new coop outside and mingled them a little with our older hens. Our little hen now has a stubby toe, but all is fine. I don't see anything wrong with it, and it doesn't seem to be causing her any pain. although everything is fine going, is there any problems I should be looking out for; fungus, infection, etc.?

I appreciate the help sooo much! Our little baby would be nowhere without everyones help!


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