Black variety tomatoes

WE only grow heirloom varieties. New varieties and F-1 hybrids all have flavors bred out of them over size and purrtiness.

I much rather have flavorful fruit and veggies over quantity, size or its prettiness.

Tomato varieties most of these are heirloom variety so we save the seeds for the following year:
three kinds of paste tomato: Amish, San Marinzo, and ?? variety
Cherokee red and purple
Brandywine red and yellow
Sweet 100 cherry tomato (about the only no heirloom variety)
Azoycha (Russian variety)
?? golden globe
Green Zebra
Willamette (don't think this is a heirloom variety either but not sure)

At the end of the season if we have unripened tomatoes, then we make fried green tomatoes. We put up/can to last us into the next year.

We mostly grow heirloom varieties of all sort, fruit and berries included, so only thing we need at the store are laundry soap, dish washing soap and things we can't make or grow.

We don't like vegetables sold at the store. They might look pretty but it has no taste. All very bland just like the eggs. No taste!!
Im sorry I didnt look what exact kind it was when I bought it at Lowe's. I just saw black tomatoes and I got excited cause I never seen one before. They are probably all the same whatever they were because it was the only black variety there was. I do know it was the yellow label " bonnies" that they mostly sell.
I have a couple of the black/purple varieties in the ground this year, as well. Cherokee purple, black krim, black cherry, and black zebra stripey. I also planted black prince, but it has not grown very much & doesn't look good... I think I'm gonna pull it. Sometimes it just happens.
We have cherokee purple and black krim as our "black" tomatoes. They have a nice deep, sweet flavor that is a great counterpart to the tangy and acidic flavor of our yellow/orange ones. But if you really want a dark one... check out one called indigo rose. Google it... you'll love the pictures! It was just released this year, and I bought a bunch of seed from Territorial. None of the tomatoes are ripe yet, but there are a lot on the vine. Where the sun touches it, it turns eggplant purple! And it's ripe when the non-sunny part is red.
Cherokee Purple is doing wonderful here in the deep, HOT, HUMID south!!! Am saving seeds for next year -- flavor is wonderful, very disease-resistant, prolific, huge tomatoes -- a bit thin-skinned so you have to eat or process (or, in my case, since I still work, freeze them until I can process them). My #1 favorite this year!
The black varieties are my favorite. I grow Cherokee Purple, Black Cherry and Black Krim. Nothing beats the rich tomato-y flavor that they have! Just started some seeds yesterday so that I have decent size plants to put outside after the last frost date

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