Blood after Corid?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 19, 2014
I have been treating some 10 week olds that I got a couple weeks ago with Corid, but I am still finding some blood in some of the poops. Could this be from the Corid itself? It has definitely improved, it's just not totally fixed and I'm wondering what I should try next, especially as yesterday my older pullets went to my neighbors for the first time ever and found the new chicks' pen, effectively breaking quarantine weeks earlier than I wanted to.

Blood and being underweight were the only cocci symptoms - the chicks always have been alert and lively.
Being exposed to other chicks next door or their soil could cause them to be exposed to a different strain of coccidia. You can use Corid every 3 weeks as some do, and there are treatment dosages as well as preventative dosages. Here is a chart with different dosages:

If you feel that Corid is not working, then you can switch to sulfadimethoxine or Sulmet, which treat fewer strains. Be sure and give vitamins and probiotics after treating with Corid to boost gut bacteria, and help with recovery.
Thanks - I've been doing the strongest dosage for 7 days, not wanting to take chances, so now I'm thinking I might back off to the preventative dose for a week and see what happens. Can I give vitamins during that time? I bought some rooster booster but I read that you aren't supposed to do the vitamins and corid at the same time.
I disagree with the no vitamins because any chicken that eats will get vitamins. Corid works by mimicking thiamine or vitamin B1 in the coccidia, causing it to not be able to reproduce.

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