Blood All Over the Nest Box?


7 Years
Feb 6, 2017
Hello Everyone!

I went to collect my chicken's eggs today and saw that the bottom of the nest box had some blood on it.
They have had blood on their eggs before, but just the occasional spot. This was enough to catch my attention as it was more than just a little bit of blood.

Does anyone know what might be wrong and what would cause them to bleed when they lay eggs?

Hmm. I was thinking it could be due to young age or being a new layer. Mine are about 7 months old and they are all laying. They fight sometimes over the best spot in the nest box. I will find blood spatter in the hay and on the walls when this happens. It always makes me worry but the hens seem fine. I would look over your chickens to see if they're injured, and check their vent area. Usually if they fight over the nest spot, mine will bicker and pull on each others combs, causing a lot of blood to go everywhere (combs and wattles bleed quite a bit) but not a big injury.

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