Blood in poo or just intestine?


6 Years
Jul 30, 2013
Hi guys,
I'm new to raising chickens and just bought 2 4 week old silkies. One is a black skin the other a purple. The purple skin seems to have fluffier feathers and looks healthy. The black skin looks a bit shabby and has been doing poos that look like they have blood in them. I have been doing some research & people say that blood in poo can mean coccidiosis.
this is an image of a recent poo tonight. She doesn't do them every time just ever 3 or 4 poos. She doesn't seem to be tired or loss of apatite.
Am I just being paranoid or should I start to treat her and her sister ASAP. I don't want to lose them :-( any help would be great.
Thanks, rach
I rescued 10 chicks 2 weeks ago...Sunday I went out and the smallest passed away. Another chick looked sleepy and didn't run to the food dish like everyone else. I brought it inside and kept it quiet. It passed before dinner. Monday morning I had another chick look sleepy and not come for feed. I put it in a crate by itself and when I came home for lunch to check on it, it had also passed away. I went immediately and got the curid liquid and mixed a batch. I cleaned all the cages with bleach water and the barn area where they had been staying. I noticed two other chicks that were very pale and sleepy so I pulled some of the medication up in a syringe and tried to dribble it so they would swallow it, but apparently I was too late because I found them this morning. I mixed a fresh batch of the curid in their water and when I came home at lunch..I found 5 happy hungry chicks with pink combs and bright normal colored beaks. I'm new to this chick thing...curid works and for me it worked fast. *fingers crossed* I just wished I had recognized the signs earlier. My guys never had funny looking poop...but they smelled terrible. I guess that should have been a sign..but never having young chicks I had no idea.
Hope your gals start feeling better!
Flock Raiser while they are on Corid is fine. Corid inhibits thiamine in the cocci oocysts in the gut, so you just don't want to feed extra vitamins while they are on on Corid. Since the disease causes loss of vitamins A and K, after treatment a multivitamin such as PolyVisol baby vitamins (2 drops a day by mouth,) along with ACV in the water, and giving either probiotics or plain yogurt with cultures will help boost the gut bacteria and replenish the vitamin losses.
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I'd get them both started on corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5cc per gallon of water for 5 days. I know one gallon of treated water is alot for two silkies...just make the one gallon mixture and give them half to drink. Make the mixture fresh each day, their sole source of water to drink and dont mix anything else in the mixture. Corid can be found in the cattle section at your feed store. Shed intestinal lining every 3 or 4 poops isnt normal.
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When we got ours and so they changed feeds we were getting lots of red poos too so it can happen. I am guessing tummy upsets from diet changes can make them shed it more often.

Ours definatly looked sort of stringy if that makes sense. You could almost picture it once lining the intestine. And it wasn't a blood blood red, sort of an orangish blood red.

No experience with cocci so won't comment on that.

Good luck!!
You know, it is wierd, I found bloody poop this morning in the coop- I felt the chicken who sits there and she felt a little thin.... Hopefully this will help my flock too! :)
Oh no, rachaelleeperks! That's terrible! You should see a vet if the case worsens. On my opinion at least.
Dawg is correct! Start corid soon as possible. That poo does not look good. It does not look as if its just linning to me. mine had shed lining and it did NOT
Look like that. To be safe I'd start corid.
Yes, start treating for Coccidiosis! The dosage for Corid liquid is 1/2 teaspoon per quart of water for 5-7 days. Corid also comes in a powdered form, but I don't know the dosage for that.

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