Blood in poop

Sunny Potato

Nov 28, 2023
Hi- next chicken problem, so another more recent thing-
This is another one who is about 7 months old, she hurt her leg and my mom fixed it, when we put her back out with her friends she broke the same leg- she is doing better and is now able to put pressure on her leg but thats not what concerns me, recently as of 2 weeks her poop has had blood in it, now ive had experience with Coccidiosis, but she has been doing this for a few weeks and if she had coccidiosis she would be dead. she is currently in a large dog cage so she doesn't hurt her leg more so she is not near the rest of the flock, she talks constantly and hops around a lot, she drinks and eats fine, she is a black australorp if your wondering.
She eats pellets and scratch, we give he bread and fruit as well, there is also some calcium in her food.
he name is cripple-
Hi- next chicken problem, so another more recent thing-
This is another one who is about 7 months old, she hurt her leg and my mom fixed it, when we put her back out with her friends she broke the same leg- she is doing better and is now able to put pressure on her leg but thats not what concerns me, recently as of 2 weeks her poop has had blood in it, now ive had experience with Coccidiosis, but she has been doing this for a few weeks and if she had coccidiosis she would be dead. she is currently in a large dog cage so she doesn't hurt her leg more so she is not near the rest of the flock, she talks constantly and hops around a lot, she drinks and eats fine, she is a black australorp if your wondering.
She eats pellets and scratch, we give he bread and fruit as well, there is also some calcium in her food.
he name is cripple-
Your hen might have worms. Will you post a picture of her poop?

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