Blood in stool?


9 Years
Jul 15, 2010
Gardiner, NY
Ok, so I have 8 17 week old chickens (7 hens and 1 roo). they have all been very healthy and have had no problems so far. Over the weekend I was given 6 10 week old chickens (3 speckled sussex, 1 rhode island red, 1 cuckoo maran & 1 buff orphington). I didn't do my research ahead of time and messed up big time. I didn't know that I was supposed to quarantine the new chickens and I had them in a seperate cage, but inside the coop with the other chickens. Yesterday I let them all out together and they got along really well (only a few pecks here and there). Today I went out and put the little chickens outside by themselves to watch them for a little while and I noticed that 1 of them has reddish stool, it looked like it may have some mucous in it, but it was hard for me to tell. I'm not sure if it was bloody, but it did look red. This chicken had normal poop yesterday and I just noticed it once today. So does anyone have any suggestions of what it might be/what I should do????

I just got done building a little quarantine coop and am hoping its not too late for my other chickens if these new ones have any disease. I am going to pull out all the bedding in the big coop and replace the food and water. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really wish I had done my research ahead of time, but it was a quick thing and we werent planning on getting these new chickies.
Hello! If you are absolutely sure you're seeing blood in the stools of the younger ones, then that is Cocci and you need to treat them right away for that, because it is swift and deadly. Once a chicken hits 17 weeks old, they have usually built up their own immunities to it, so your older ones will probably be OK.

For the younger ones, you need to clean the area they are in, and keep it clean and very very dry. Wet dirt is a perfect breeding ground for Cocci--especially in this hot humid summer weather.

The stuff you need to buy is called Corid. If they don't have it at your farm store, then I believe you can purchase Sulmet--that works too. The quicker you get them treated, the better.

Good luck to you!
Thank you!!!!! I got the corid and started giving it to my little ones. Should I give it to the big ones (17 weeks) also, just to be safe? or is that not a good idea??
No. Do not give it to the older ones. (older than 17 weeks or so) Only the young ones. 99.9% of the time the older ones have already or will build an immunity to it.

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