Blood spots on egg shells? *with pics*

I have one hen who has always laid an egg that had purpleish dabs all over it..

It doesnt not look like blood.and it scratches off with the thumbnail.

Its not part of the eggshell but something on it.

I've been wondering the same thing about these eggs...They're either from our Buff Orpington or our Plymouth Barred Rock. We don't get them all the time, but I've noticed 4 or 5 like this in about a month. I thought it might be blood but it doesn't wipe off, wet or dry. The bumps are raised on the shell. I scrubbed really hard and some of them did come off, but then there were white spots where the dark spots had been. I know, I'm totally clueless about eggs. Do I just have a speckled egg-layer?
One or ?? of my Brown Leghorns has been laying blood smeared eggs too. She seems fine but haven't been able to grab any of them to try to figure out who is doing it and if their vent is okay. Must just be tissue in the vent area that the blood vessels rutpure during the egg laying process?

I agree, I had some like that and thought they were just speckled. On the same egg I saw a smear of blood too. Occasionally I still get a blood smear, but more than occasionally they're speckled.
Your "RIR" is mixed with a chicken that lays blue eggs. I have one like that. She lays an olive green egg. It is so pretty. I got her from a man that only raised RIR and Ameraucanas, so that is what happened. All the rest I got from him are purebred, but she is one of my favorites.
Please see my post to help you ferret out how concerned you need to be and what steps to consider.
At first I thought it was freckles too, but it wipes off and looks like dried blood. Do you still think it's normal? I haven't figured out which hen is laying these. They all seem healthy except sometimes one squawks really loud. Any suggestions?
i also have a hen (a buff brahma) that lays the occassional spotted/freckled egg. it almost seems like it is every other egg, one is day the egg is normal but lighter in color and the next day the shell is slightly darker with the larger end having small brown speckles on it. sometimes theres very few tiny spots, others there spots on about 1/3 of the egg that are freckle sized. i always just figured it was normal, then today when i collected her egg the freckles were a larger than normal and they appear to be more of a lighter red instead of the usual darker brown spots... thats how i wound up on this older thread. as i said, i assumed it was normal until i saw the red freckles today, after reading this i'm inclined to still think its normal. they feel like a slight bump on the shell and dont scratch or wash off. if anyone feels that is at all abnormal, chime in, otherwise i'll assume its all good as i have been

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