Bloody Eggshell- Normal?


Jun 30, 2022
Hey ya'll! I have not seen this yet. Is it normal? Advice please. (The egg itself is fine. Yesterday she laid an egg with no blood.)
I get the occasional bloody egg from my hens and it tends to clear up pretty quick. Thinking that this particular egg ruptured a blood vessel on the way out.

Couldn't hurt to give the hen in question a quick check over to make sure she's looking and acting right and that the bleeding has stopped. When the next egg comes, if it is blood free, I would just chalk this one up to a fluke.

Beyond that, giving her some high protein feed can help with the healing process.
I get the occasional bloody egg from my hens and it tends to clear up pretty quick. Thinking that this particular egg ruptured a blood vessel on the way out.

Couldn't hurt to give the hen in question a quick check over to make sure she's looking and acting right and that the bleeding has stopped. When the next egg comes, if it is blood free, I would just chalk this one up to a fluke.

Beyond that, giving her some high protein feed can help with the healing process.
I appreciate your reply! Thank you. Just gonna keep an eye on her, but she seems just fine.
Yes it happens, especially if the pullet is young and her body is adjusting to laying eggs.

One of my older hens laid a bloody egg recently and it was on a particularly hot day. After finding the egg I looked my birds over and they seemed fine but sluggish, so I think they were slightly dehydrated. I gave them some colder water with a little electrolytes. My birds are picky and don't like to drink their water if it's warm.
Yes it happens, especially if the pullet is young and her body is adjusting to laying eggs.

One of my older hens laid a bloody egg recently and it was on a particularly hot day. After finding the egg I looked my birds over and they seemed fine but sluggish, so I think they were slightly dehydrated. I gave them some colder water with a little electrolytes. My birds are picky and don't like to drink their water if it's warm.
thank you for your reply!

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