Bloody head on Polish chick


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Seattle, WA
I integrated my two month old chicks with the older gals last night and this morning the Polish got pecked bloody. I got her out of there and put her back in the brooder box she'd just come from so she could be by herself to heal. As the injury was acute, I felt it was best to just not touch it at all, but I'd like to do something to help it heal tonight.

She had gotten pecked by the other young ones when the top-knot feathers were first coming in, but had never bled, thank goodness. She just had a partial bald spot that the hens got to this morning. I'm hoping the feathers will eventually grow in so she has a little more protection.

In the meantime, I'd like tips on what to put on the injury. I'm most interested in natural treatment and have a huge assortment of herbs, essential oils, aloe, witch hazel, etc but am not opposed to using whatever is going to best heal this little gal.

Thank you!

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