Bloody, sore vent


5 Years
Jun 12, 2014
Eastern Ontario

I have three hens and am having my first emergency. I went out this morning and found blood in the coop. My barred Plymouth rock (she's about 10 months old) had a very bloody vent and is missing a bunch of feathers. I bathed her and sprayed it with bactine to clean things up and get a better look. She is eating, drinking and pooping fine and is still fairly active. I have attached 2 photos (sorry, a bit gruesome).

Hi &
. If your other chickens see blood they will continue to peck at her. Blue Kote (purple antiseptic spay) will treat and hide wounds.
Ok, great. I have her in a crate in the house right now. Should I keep her in until it heals up better or spray her and put her back out? Thanks so much!
It doesn't look real bad right now. Spray and put back out. If she is kept away from the others longer - you will need to put her in a crate for a few days or something to reintroduce her. Try giving a suet block or something fun for them to peck at - may help with boredom. Double check that she doesn't have lice or mites and didn't do this to herself. Good Luck : )
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Thank you so much! It's been so bitter cold and snowy that they don't want to leave the coop much and I know they are getting bored. I will get a suet block to try. She looks really good other than being pecked apart! The other two always seem to pick on her. Thanks again for responding!
Hopefully Spring will come early for all of us! You might also try giving them a can of tuna (or part of one) once every couple days. Sometimes they need more protein in there diet to stop feather pecking. Good Luck.

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