BLRW Chicks from McMurray 4 weeks


15 Years
Jan 31, 2008
NW Oregon
As most of you know 5 out of our 10 BLRW chicks got sick at just under 3 weeks of age.
we opted to have the 3 worst chicks euthanized on Thursday, necropsied and tissue samples sent out. I should have tissue results back on Monday to give us final results.
the 2 better of my affected chicks are better.
no more tremmors and they are more and more acting like normal chicks. ONCE I know what caused them to be sick I will put them back with the rest of their friends to help them continue to "rehab".
So here are my 2 sick recovering chicks about 10 days after they started to get sick.
they are now 4 weeks +1day old

and same chicks

And here are 2 of my BLRW that never got sick.
same age 4 weeks + one day.
I think I only have one boy in the 4 chicks above, one has such a different comb? he just looks BOY.
it is possible that out of our straight run chicks we got 1 boy and 9 girls! what would be the odds!

the boy???? above???

a girl????
I know they are from a hatchary, but I think they are very pretty!
Hey Carousel, thanks for the update. I am waiting anxiously to hear more results of the necropsies.

Mine seem to have their good moments and there bad. The one little guy who first started showing signs made a turn for the worse yesterday and I don't know what to do. I have become very attached to him and feel so horrible. I thought of sacrificing him for a necropsy, but can not find anyone here locally that will do it at a reasonable cost. Plus, I just can bring myself to do it yet.

Let's hope that all of this comes to an end soon so we can start enjoying our chickens again!

It is a day for miracles, right?
All I can tell you is what we did w/ our chicks.
I'm thinking that the older the chick the more likely they are to recover.
we moved ours to a hospital brooder so they were not stepped on by other chicks.
we made food water easy to get.
we fed hard boiled eggs as an extra calorie boost and did some vit and electrolytes - both of us (the chicks were in 2 different homes) felt that the chicks got a boost form the vits and electrolytes
The vet said if we are dealing with AE (IF we are) that most losses are in chicks younger than 4 weeks. That they pretty much starve. They are not hungry and their hatch mates tend to step on and disturb them.
It is possible that the chicks we euthanized could have recovered as they had slightly improved, but I also felt it was critical to know what the problem was.
whatever the problem is, the 2 that are recovering had a much milder case.
it was hard to not give them a chance but I don't have any regrets.
..Anxiously waiting for the results. I have one BLRW chick here that is showing the same signs that is from MM as well. I'd be curious to know if there is something that can be done...
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