BLRW experts needed to sex what I hope are not alot of boys!


Poultry Snuggie
11 Years
Mar 16, 2009
onchiota NY
Ok guys-Ill post photos tonight but I have 14 of them 5-6 weeks old-and wow 7-8 of them have really red combs and waddles! has anyone been fooled by this at such an early age? I know I should keep them as long as possible to be sure of sex but I also dont want to keep feeding and such for another 10 weeks! I already have my 2 favorite roos picked out-and I will sell the rest-would you hold them or sell them-I paid 9$ a chick for day olds not including shipping so I need to make sure Im only ridding myself of roos!
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i paid $15-22 for unsexed day olds! so far i have 5/8 roos!! and the other blrw i have are only 2 weeks old (i bought hatching eggs, a bit cheaper, lol) i could tell by 5 weeks, the boys got wattles very early whereas the girls had no wattles at that age, they are now 10+ weeks and i had the sexes correct at 5 weeks.
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I have had one set of SLW, 1 set of BLRW and 2 sets of Blue Wyandottes.

Here is what I have noticed:

SLW: Sexing is pretty easy. I got my birds at about 6 weeks and the roos had bight red combs. The pullets still had dark, blackish combs.

BLRW: My last batch consisted of 2 pullets and 3 roos. Yikes. The pullets combs stayed blackish for a while, the roos developed red combs at 3 - 5 weeks. I have also noticed that my pullets were significantly smaller in size (noticeable when you held them, not necessarily by looking at them) The roos started to develop hackle between 7-9 weeks. (I am approximating the weeks, here...

Blue Wyandottes: These have been the most difficult for me to sex. My roos and pullets developed red combs. At approximately 6-8 weeks, the roos combs were larger, and a little redder. My pullets actually finished feathering out more slowly than the roos. :dunno:

I hope that helps. If you have 14, it's likely that you'll have 7 or 8 roosters. I have had breeders tell me in the past that it's much harder to tell what you have with the BLRW and BW.
Can't wait to see pictures.
I never got a chance to take photos:-( but I can tell you I was dead on with how many I thought were roos-8 of them! with 5 girls 2 with straight combs:-( LOL...They have not started crowing yet thank goodness and Ive been trying to rehome alot of them but no luck yet:-( ANyoe need a BLRW Roo??? hehe
I had the same thing happen with my bantam blrw's. Out of 9 eggs that developed, i ended up with 6 roosters

I wished i could keep them all because they are so beautiful.
I know
The batams are so cute too! I might start bantams only in BLRW though-only because I love those compact bodies!
I know
The batams are so cute too! I might start bantams only in BLRW though-only because I love those compact bodies!

Well then notice my little flock is for sale

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