BLRW from Murray McMurray?

I definately agree that my boy Henry is darker then most I have seen. I actually tend to like the dark compared to the light. But also think that some light colored girls might help to get some chicks more in the middle color range. My BLRW is actually from an individual breeder who has gorgeous birds, I just am new to hatching and did not have good luck with shipped eggs. LynnGrigg-thanks for pics of your birds, I think they are good looking birds. I noticed from your picture of your male that my BLRW male doesn't have the coloration like yours does. Is my boy what they call "hen feathered" he definately crows and is acting "rooish" so I am almost 100% he is a he, just makes me wonder why he doesn't have the standard male coloration around the neck. Any ideas anyone?
One of the best breeders I have run across is Paul's Poultry but he is definitely on the pricey side. Although if his chicks are of the same quality as his pictures it is definitely worth it.





The ones from McMurry are Blue Laced Gold, not real Blue Laced Red, they lack the Mohagany genes of the BLRs. They would be from the hatchery trying to mass produce the color likely by crossing BLR roos on their Golden laced hens and breeding from there, so if you want the real ones with the dark red color, you need to get them from a breeder.

Here is a roo that I got from a friend who got him from MM, the hens were this same light color too.

I do remember McMurray first had them and the announcement from McGovero Poultry stated that they sold their breeder flock to McMurray. It is a shame it went downhill by McMurray cross breeding them to GLRW and pollute the McGovero's lines with less superior birds.
They were ruined before Mcmurry ever got them. Govero crossed them himself over gold laced to vet more cbicks on the ground. This is a fact.
Knowing the OP was a while ago, I just wanted to thank the ppl that chimed in with the history behind MM's BLRW. While they do produce some nice stock in other breeds I was considering picking up a few of their BLRW just to check them out and now I am really glad I have been putting it off.

Again, maybe an older dated question but it is still a popular question that a lot of us out there are looking for the answers for. So knowing the history behind MM's birds, maybe someone who has bought stock from Paul's that I listed before would chime in on their experience with his stock. His pictures are amazing but first hand knowledge and experience is 1000 times more valuable. I really love the GLW and the SLW and I am pretty happy with them all the way around but I know there is a HUGE following of the BLRW without a lot of options to buy good stock out there and I am not the type of person that wants to buy just any kind of stock of a unique breed just to check out the bird. There is just no real comparison btwn a a bird that meets 90 to 100% of the standards of the breed and a bird that is "kind of like the breed".

Thanks for any info you all might have.
You got to be kidding me!!!

I've seen Govero's stock on his website before he went out of business or retired, can not remember. I did remember him selling everything.

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