Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

My pullet crowed this morning! Aue!  Change her back!
3/4 cockerels (so far)
Chicky Minaj better not be a cockerel!


I thought that she looked like a he......his wattles scream cockerel.

I'm sorry that he did not turn out to be a pullet for you.
Mine are not particularly loud until you go to pick them up if they are not used to it. I have a bunch in outdoor grow out pens. I don't have time to handle all my birds and I notice a big difference between the Marans (I have Black and Blue Copper) and the other breeds. The Marans will scream bloody murder when they are caught and flap like crazy. They do settle down with a little handling, but they sure are not a naturally tame breed.

Yeah they cheep cheep when we get near, and man it's so loud!! I did notice they do flap and squirm when we handle them way more than the other chicks I've had too. We have an older trio of cuckoo marans that also act that way. So I'm glad to hear it's sort of a breed trait not just mine.

I have been handling two of them a lot because they are my favorites and I wanted them to be more tame, hopefully it pays off.
Hi Pinkchick,

I love Jennifer Lopez who I refer affectionately as Jenny Lo.

My Barred Rock hen's name is Henny Lo.

Can't think of one for Jessica Alba or Cheryl Burke (Cheryl Beak?)

By the way, the last picture I put was Chicky Minaj. So you think she might be a dude too? That would put me out of the blue copper Marans business. Got some Black eggs from Rinda though.

Take care, Puhi
Hi, this is my first time posting in this thread and I hope it is okay to post this question here. I received hatching eggs that were supposed to be Blue Copper Marans. The seller said they had a Black Copper rooster and a Blue Copper rooster over Blue and Blue copper hens - so black coppers were possible. I had 8 chicks hatch, and to my untrained eye, they all, except for maybe one, appear to be blacks. Is there a definite difference between the two as young chicks, or are some blues born darker? I have attached a picture of some of the chicks and then one of the "lightest" chick.. I know the lighting isn't the greatest but I hope I can get some input. I was expecting to get a black copper or two, but the seller has black coppers too and I wonder if my order was wrong somehow.

if the roos were copper the chicks will be copper even if it does not express. they have copper genes. you probably can't tell a copper vs a non copper at hatch. I would think they would look the same.
if the roos were copper the chicks will be copper even if it does not express. they have copper genes. you probably can't tell a copper vs a non copper at hatch. I would think they would look the same.

I am probably going to sound dense here - they are definitely coppers, but they are supposed to be blue coppers, but to me they appear too dark. I know that blue does not breed true. I'm sorry if I didn't understand what you were trying to say, these are my first marans.
if the roos were copper the chicks will be copper even if it does not express. they have copper genes. you probably can't tell a copper vs a non copper at hatch. I would think they would look the same.

I am probably going to sound dense here - they are definitely coppers, but they are supposed to be blue coppers, but to me they appear too dark. I know that blue does not breed true. I'm sorry if I didn't understand what you were trying to say, these are my first marans.

sorry didn't read far enough. yes blues can come in all shades from very very dark Robert light. is there any gray looking down? I can't tell from the pics. they all look black to me.....well the one in the top left could be blue....seems lighter in color.

with the combo in the pens you really could have all black. neck I have a pen full of 13 slw roos.....100% roos from shipped chicks what are the odds????
sorry didn't read far enough. yes blues can come in all shades from very very dark Robert light. is there any gray looking down? I can't tell from the pics. they all look black to me.....well the one in the top left could be blue....seems lighter in color.

with the combo in the pens you really could have all black. neck I have a pen full of 13 slw roos.....100% roos from shipped chicks what are the odds????

I see what you're saying. I know one in particular was very silvery when just hatched, but then appeared dark when dried. And I hate to hear the part about the Roos, I'm in the city and can't have them! :)
Aloha, This will be the girlfriend of my roo that I posted earlier. She's good looking huh? comments? aloha, Puhi
Brada Puhi~ This is the one I thought you were talking about when you said your pullet crowed. I can't get over the wattles on this bird being so big at this age.

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