Blue egg gene

Does an easter egger rooster carry the blue egg gene
Allegedly and probably at least one copy IF he came from a blue egg.

Best way to tell (as far as I know) is by test mating.. which takes a whole next generation to confirm.

Easter Eggers by very definition though do NOT have a standard of perfection to meet and can therefore be called an EE even if they lay brown/tan eggs.

Comb type is NOT an indicator of egg color noting cream Legbars lay blue eggs with straight comb and Brahma lay brown eggs with a pea comb. Ear lobe color can be but often isn't. A few links for review..
There are some labs now that will check your birds for the blue egg gene.
I believe IQ Genetics is one of them. I have not personally tried this so I do not know how accurate they are.😊

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