Blue egg white


9 Years
Jan 28, 2014
Anyone ever cracked an egg (brown egg from either an australorp or silver laced or buff Orpington) and noticed a blue tone on the egg white? Is that a one time thing or is there something wrong with the chickens? Thanks!
So far only one. I also noticed one of them started to lay these extra long eggs with a slightly larger tip, hard to describe, need to post a pic. It was one if those that I cracked that had the blue color.
Check out this article:

There appears to be certain foods that can influence the color of the egg yolk at least. Though the article does not mention blue, perhaps your chicken ate something that influenced the color of the egg white.

One other thought... How fresh was the egg? Did you notice any cracks in the shell? I did see one site that suggested this could occur in "expired" eggs (from the store).

It will also be interesting to see if you get any more eggs like this.

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