Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!



My BLR babies :ya
Are you saying my roo in this picture is a Black Laced Red? ........ NO he is blue, just VERY VERY DARK.

This is with a flash

Hi, sorry no I wasn't saying your roo was black. I meant the roo in the pic with my hen, he is a black. Sorry for the confusion!! Your guy is very pretty tho, so is the girl. I hope some day I will have some nice birds like yours.
Wondering what you think of my girls?

They don't like cameras much, sorry for the cage.
the girl on the left looks pretty good, but the girl on the right is more gold than red IMO... also, her type isn't great as far as her cushion/tail are concerned. i wouldn't use her unless you have an AWESOMELY typed DARK red roo to put her with.

just my opinion of course... 8)
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Thanks and I agree, she is more gold than red. They both have shafting also. Tail carriage I'm undecided on, every once in awhile they are OK, they haven't really been able to stretch much. We're still working on their pen.

Do you know if shafting is a defect or a DQ?

I have a number of roos available to choose from in Northern CA if I decide to go forward with breeding. My roo is very dark but he is a full brother, also has a triple leader on his comb.
Hi. Am new to this thread. Am looking for someone close to GA who is selling BLRW hatching eggs. Would like to get some for January. Anyone have any?
sorry, i've got pullets who are holding out for spring at this point. LOL you'd think by 7 or 8 months they'd be doing SOMETHING!

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