Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I wish I had Blue Laced Red Wyandottes!!!! I think we will be getting some in the near future! They are such a lovely bird!! I love the color!!
Can anyone help with sexing 8 week olds? I was lucky enough to purchase 6 8 wk old BLRW and I think I have figured it out but would love some opinions. Also I think I have all blues no splash what do you think?

I believe these are hens:

this one is the smallest, very sweet wants to sit in your hands

I believe these 3 are Roos:

Sorry dont know how to flip

Thanks, I am new to this and would love to end up with at least 1 or two nice BLRW, cant keep the roos in our area
, I would be fined
Can anyone help with sexing 8 week olds? I was lucky enough to purchase 6 8 wk old BLRW and I think I have figured it out but would love some opinions. Also I think I have all blues no splash what do you think?

I believe these are hens:
look like pullets

this one is the smallest, very sweet wants to sit in your hands

I believe these 3 are Roos:
Maybe a pullet and cockerel here
Wyandottes are extremely tricky to sex by pictures, so do not get rid of any yet. I posted pictures and everyone said I had all cockerels, well half ended up being pullets! Wait another 8 weeks to know for sure. They all look to be blues. Where are you located?

Sorry dont know how to flip

Thanks, I am new to this and would love to end up with at least 1 or two nice BLRW, cant keep the roos in our area
, I would be fined
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First ones look like pullets and the second group, I agree all boys.
Can anyone help with sexing 8 week olds? I was lucky enough to purchase 6 8 wk old BLRW and I think I have figured it out but would love some opinions. Also I think I have all blues no splash what do you think?

I believe these are hens:

this one is the smallest, very sweet wants to sit in your hands

I believe these 3 are Roos:

Sorry dont know how to flip

Thanks, I am new to this and would love to end up with at least 1 or two nice BLRW, cant keep the roos in our area
, I would be fined
Thank you we are in orange county Ca. The possible roo in the first set of boy pics ( sitting on stock feeder)tried to attack me today so he is definitly standing with one foot out the door! The one in the last pic that you mentioned could be a pullet is the prettiest so far color wise and the biggest. I will hold on untill I know for sure but if anyone wants roos and they like the colors they will be available.
Wow. I wish I had that many BLRW - we have a quad at the moment and a younger trio. The BLRW are so gorgeous. We just hatched our first chicks from our own birds.
I will hatch 300-400 chicks this year for myself now that I have a decent foundation flock. I'm hoping to get 20-30 keepers if i'm lucky. BLRW's are a work in progress. I would love to be a part of getting them accepted to the SOP someday...

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