Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

WOW that is a lot of chicks from one breed. Good luck! I just want some more chicks.... no goal, just chicks
I just acquired another pair and I found another pullet I can use with the new roo. That will give me a quad in one pen and I will get 100% blues too and then I have my Breeders too (4 hens and a roo) plus any other pullets I might grow out.
Ok so I guess I dont know how to reply to certain post yet...
For TexasMja Thank you we are in orange county Ca. The possible roo in the first set of boy pics ( sitting on stock feeder)tried to attack me today so he is definitely standing with one foot out the door! The one in the last pic that you mentioned could be a pullet is the prettiest so far color wise and the biggest. I will hold on until I know for sure but if anyone wants roos and they like the colors they will be available.

I am hoping they grow out of the mossy coloring

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