Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have been reading about protein levels in feed.  A lot of opinion about what to feed.  I have read that roosters need 9 - 12%, layers 15 - 17% and chicks 19 - 22%.  I would like to know what  you feed.  At the present time none of mine are free ranged, so address if you would for them.  While I do give them some additional things from the home and garden, I would like to know what you would feed them if they were strictly on a processed feed diet.

Adding to the comments - my vet indicated that high protein levels can interfere with calcium absorption and that oyster grit is not readily bio-available.
Sorry to say I don't know what that protein threshold is for chicks/hens/roosters. I do know that even though free-ranged and supplemented with balanced grains and oyster grit, my flock always shows enthusiasm for more protein in their diet ie meat or worms etc.

The oyster grit discussion was relative to a young hen that lays jumbo size eggs, the shells of which are thinning out. It was recommended to provide calcium carbonate to her such as a pharmacy offers for women. I believe there is also a calcium syrup, for animals? Which I haven't researched.
well, some hopeful news... an update on my foley girl BLRW that was snatched by a coon the night of the 4th... apparently she was slow going to bed. it grabbed her by the head and dragged her away, but the dog got there pretty quick and stood guard over her till I got out there... she's got bite marks on both sides of her head and I think her neck may have been damaged too from her struggling.

anyways, she was still breathing and when you harassed her she'd shuffle her feet, but wasn't moving her head or neck at all. hubby said her pupils were reactive to light though, so we left her in the hospital cage with food and water. she hadn't eaten or drunk anything and didn't move hardly at all. even when you put her beak in the water she made no attempt to drink...

as of yesterday I saw no improvement and had decided I was going to put her down last night. but in checking her over, I noticed a clump of poop on some vent feathers and decided to at least pull that off, since I wasn't ready to 'do the deed'... it was dried to the feathers, so i had to remove a couple of them. well that woke her up! her head came up and she looked at me, but quickly went back to sleep. so I bothered her some more, (she hates her wings touched). and while she was awake I put her face in the water and got her to drink some. hubby said she was more alert this morning but still not moving around much, but instead of laying on her side she was a bit more upright.

so she gets a reprieve for now... we keep waking her up to make her drink at least. can't seem to get her to eat, but if she keeps drinking at least she won't dehydrate and maybe it'll give her time to heal. best we can figure is she's got a severe concussion. possible brain damage too but that remains to be seen. so for now we are keeping fingers crossed that she continues to improve.

I'm leaving the door to the hospital cage open, so if she's feeling froggy she can hop out any time. but I don't think she's anywhere near ready for that.
I'm okay with EEs! They're very friendly and awfully darned cute. And I'm super excited to see what coloring they will get, particularly the chipmunk marked ones....
Thanks for your input and knowledge! There's a reason I come to BYC first!!!
well, some hopeful news... an update on my foley girl BLRW that was snatched by a coon the night of the 4th... apparently she was slow going to bed. it grabbed her by the head and dragged her away, but the dog got there pretty quick and stood guard over her till I got out there... she's got bite marks on both sides of her head and I think her neck may have been damaged too from her struggling.

anyways, she was still breathing and when you harassed her she'd shuffle her feet, but wasn't moving her head or neck at all. hubby said her pupils were reactive to light though, so we left her in the hospital cage with food and water. she hadn't eaten or drunk anything and didn't move hardly at all. even when you put her beak in the water she made no attempt to drink...

as of yesterday I saw no improvement and had decided I was going to put her down last night. but in checking her over, I noticed a clump of poop on some vent feathers and decided to at least pull that off, since I wasn't ready to 'do the deed'... it was dried to the feathers, so i had to remove a couple of them. well that woke her up! her head came up and she looked at me, but quickly went back to sleep. so I bothered her some more, (she hates her wings touched). and while she was awake I put her face in the water and got her to drink some. hubby said she was more alert this morning but still not moving around much, but instead of laying on her side she was a bit more upright.

so she gets a reprieve for now... we keep waking her up to make her drink at least. can't seem to get her to eat, but if she keeps drinking at least she won't dehydrate and maybe it'll give her time to heal. best we can figure is she's got a severe concussion. possible brain damage too but that remains to be seen. so for now we are keeping fingers crossed that she continues to improve.

I'm leaving the door to the hospital cage open, so if she's feeling froggy she can hop out any time. but I don't think she's anywhere near ready for that.
I'm hopeful for your Foley girl... slow and steady is better than nothing at all. Best wishes for her continued recovery!
My BLRW seems to be getting black bleed through in the tips of some of her wing feathers, has anyone seen this in BLRW?

Quote: Could you get me more information about this please?
I have spoken to several Vet and a few friends and I would like to get back with them with this information. Thank you.

Just to add a note about calcium, you can also give them there own egg shells. If you bake them and crush them up you should not have to purchase any and they will store well.
you do not have to bake or cook the egg shells for the chickens.....just makes it a little easier to crush if it is not wet....

What do you guys think of my rooster he is 5 months old now so he still has some filling out to do. couldnt get him to stand still so thats what the feeders for.
Here is an update of my boy(at 14 weeks) I got from Karen... (he is most def a boy) and is bigger than my full grown hens that are a year and tower over my barred rock girls that are 22 weeks (and not yet laying grrrr)

no crowing or attempts to crow, and since I am laid up at home after foot surgery I would have heard it. Maybe he is a huge freakish pullet????

It was hard to get a pic of his back side but it seems a little narrow from the back

When viewed fro the front he has a wide stance


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