Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

what do you think? I think what you think

have you ever seen females with such pink at 9wk? YEP...
YES! Thank you thank you! your confirmation means the world to me. :)

I swear, I have never seem this kind of pinkness so early before. it must be a sign of good health, yea? I have been feeding them homemade pro-biotics (EM-1), I wonder if it could be related.
YES! Thank you thank you! your confirmation means the world to me. :)

I swear, I have never seem this kind of pinkness so early before. it must be a sign of good health, yea? I have been feeding them homemade pro-biotics (EM-1), I wonder if it could be related.
Mine will show a pinkness when they are up running about. When they are cool and resting the color goes back to pale...Good for you feeding probiotics. Vitamins and probiotics sure makes a big difference in their health, well in my opinion which, doesn't mean much :)
I have not noticed a change in color when resting vs active, I will have to look for that :)

In other news, my lone BLRW pullet laid her first egg yesterday! she is 23 weeks old, just shy of 6 mos. I had prepared for a long wait, some folks say Wyandottes are slower to mature, laying around 7-8 months old? So this was a pleasant surprise! now if she would just learn where the nest box is
I spent some time trying to take photos of the ones I think are pullets today, then my camera battery died!
some of the pictures are not the best, but I tried...

I think these are my females. last time I posted pics they were all males. now, even the females have some pink coming in their faces, but less developed comb and wattles.
its sort of a surprising amount of pink, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure they're girls though...?
9 weeks
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what do you think? have you ever seen females with such pink at 9wk?

for comparison purposes, I was convinced this was a boy at about 8wks and actively tried to rehome "him"...she is now 13 months and lays regularly...(sorry it's a little blurry)
I have not noticed a change in color when resting vs active, I will have to look for that :)

In other news, my lone BLRW pullet laid her first egg yesterday! she is 23 weeks old, just shy of 6 mos. I had prepared for a long wait, some folks say Wyandottes are slower to mature, laying around 7-8 months old? So this was a pleasant surprise! now if she would just learn where the nest box is

I have a BLRW hen that also reached POL early -24 weeks- some people wondered if she was hatchery, but she came from a San Diego breeder.
She continues to lay well at 18 months (not the same hen from previous post).

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