Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have three bantam BLR pullets, all three have good lacing, and decent to good type, but have different shades of red. One actually is very yellow-y orange.

Anyway, I have 4 roosters.

The two with the best type have the worst lacing. The two with the best color and lacing have horrid type and are also too large for a bantam. All have decent to good combs, so not a determining factor.

The question, who would you breed to?
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I have three bantam BLR pullets, all three have good lacing, and decent to good type, but have different shades of red.  One actually is very yellow-y orange.

Anyway, I have 4 roosters.

The two with the best type have the worst lacing.  The two with the best color and lacing have horrid type and are also too large for a bantam.  All have decent to good combs, so not a determining factor.

The question, who would you breed to?
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I would definitely hoose the roosters with better type.
If you are a patient person, breed some chicks out of the better typ boys. Then swap to see how it goes with the better laced roos :)
Oops, hit submit too early!
I would definitely hoose the roosters with better type.
If you are a patient person, breed some chicks out of the better typ boys. Then swap to see how it goes with the better laced roos
thanks for your input

2014 pullet
WOW! she is a beauty!
Nice bird mstrawn3

The new boys arrived this evening. Photos suck, I'll get the good camera out later and get pics of them some time here. The one on the left I almost bought when I got the girls a few months ago but passed as his one bent toe. After speaking to Jerry Foley he said for showing they only look at the center toe and I really had no other choice but to take these 2 boys after losing my other cockerel a few weeks ago. Besides the bent toe was a hatching accident that wasn't properly fixed and not a genetic issue, so he's still able to be used for breeding.


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