Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

First off, I think far left is definitely a silkie.

Judging by saddle feathers, I am guessing this one to be a cockerel?

Hard to tell here, I am going to guess pullet on the right.

If the above two are the same bird, I am guessing cockerel?

Feet say cockerel to me, but face and other traits say pullet?

I see a pullet here and a cockerel on the right. Judging by thickness of the legs and the coloring.

Okay, those are my guesses. Big question mark on all of them. I hope someone with more experience will come 'round and weigh in.
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Hi everyone! I am brand new here (and to chickens actually! This is my first flock!) and was hoping to get some guesses or advice as to the gender of my babies! When they were little a chicken friend said she thought they were all girls but now that they are almost 4 months old, 2 have the beard thingy (waddle?) and the other 2 don't. Are these photos good enough? Anyone have any guesses? I only have 4, so there are multiple photos of some. I have one darker almost black one, one that is sort of orange and 2 that are white with red. They were all sold to me as BLR but i'm thinking that is not right? Thank you for reading!


Cockerel on left, Pullet on right


Cockerel in center, Cockerel on far right, Pullet in the back

Pullet in center, Cockerel to the right

Star guessed exactly how I would have on the sex of then :)
Gachooks, I was only answering your question about what you would cull against at this age ;)
Although, I too wish I had more than just a phone always hanging always round in my pocket when it comes to picture time! Our cells just do not capture the beauty :D
Hi everyone! I am brand new here (and to chickens actually! This is my first flock!) and was hoping to get some guesses or advice as to the gender of my babies! When they were little a chicken friend said she thought they were all girls but now that they are almost 4 months old, 2 have the beard thingy (waddle?) and the other 2 don't. Are these photos good enough? Anyone have any guesses? I only have 4, so there are multiple photos of some. I have one darker almost black one, one that is sort of orange and 2 that are white with red. They were all sold to me as BLR but i'm thinking that is not right? Thank you for reading!
Would you mind if I asked where you got them? If you would rather not say it's ok!

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