Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

First I will say that I have no experience with Wyandotte's. That being said I have always wanted some BLRW and I bought a few from a lady 4 weeks ago. These chicks are 5.5 weeks old. But a few people have stated that they are gold laced. The lady did say that they would be the dark blue color. But now I am worried. They all are really sweet but I was not wanting gold laced and I paid the price for Blue laced reds. HELP please!!!! What do you experts think?? And does anyone have any idea on sex?

@BlackwoodHollow I woke up this morning to 9 chicks hatched! I had to give three a warm rinse (sticky). But they're really nice chicks! I can't wait until they fluff out and I can get their mug shots on here :)
I wish I knew what I was doing that's making my chicks come out sticky-which dries like cement.. the ones that hatched last were the cemented ones. The other 6 were fine.
I am super happy with the hatch, thanks again :)

Thanks so much! I had never thought that they could be something else until people started offering their opinions. I had shown pictures in hopes I could get opinions in sex. No one answered my questions but they felt it nesessary to tell my y birds weren't what I thought they were. Errr. Lol.
So thanks for easing my concerns.
@BlackwoodHollow I woke up this morning to 9 chicks hatched! I had to give three a warm rinse (sticky). But they're really nice chicks! I can't wait until they fluff out and I can get their mug shots on here

I wish I knew what I was doing that's making my chicks come out sticky-which dries like cement.. the ones that hatched last were the cemented ones. The other 6 were fine.
I am super happy with the hatch, thanks again
was there a humidity drop (often from opening the incubator) at the end? that can cause sticky chicks

I just hatched out 5 of 6, the other one pipped on the wrong end and didn't make it. Looks like 2 splash and 3 blue.

Thanks so much! I had never thought that they could be something else until people started offering their opinions. I had shown pictures in hopes I could get opinions in sex. No one answered my questions but they felt it nesessary to tell my y birds weren't what I thought they were. Errr. Lol.
So thanks for easing my concerns.
I agree with Peaky, BLRW just look weird when they first get feathers. It will change a lot!

On sexing them, hard to tell without seeing faces... the one face with the black, small, flat comb is certainly a pullet.. the other (2?) appear female to me too but still hard to judge...
Thanks so much! I had never thought that they could be something else until people started offering their opinions. I had shown pictures in hopes I could get opinions in sex. No one answered my questions but they felt it nesessary to tell my y birds weren't what I thought they were. Errr. Lol.
So thanks for easing my concerns.

Me too. People are quick to jump down your throat and tell you it's a GLW and that it sucks. Pretty irritated by this, actually.
These guys are right over four weeks, I think one roo, two pullets but in iffy on one. The roo is blue, the iffy is black and the pullet is....?? The black has an obvious shiny black with green tint you can kinda see in the pic, the other is less shiny no green tint.


Roo, sorry I need to get a body shot, and a better camera.




And the black pullet?
Foley hen and rooster available. 11 months. Producing well. PM if interested. These are my last two. Splash variety. Sacramento area. Shipping may be possible but I would need to research boxes as they are big birds.

Foley hen and rooster available. 11 months. Producing well. PM if interested. These are my last two. Splash variety. Sacramento area. Shipping may be possible but I would need to research boxes as they are big birds.

Unless your name is Jerry Foley, please don't advertise your birds as Foley birds.

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