Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Well, no offense, but I really hope you're would be so sad if he didn't turn out looking like his father. I thought he looked really dark. I only see a few lighter, brassy looking feathers. You are right about the shafting though. I wish it wasn't there, but there it is, lol. Hopefully he'll just get darker and better as he ages. If he turns out half as good as his daddy, he'll be lovely.

Oh! And I got a couple pics of his sister today...she is a lighter red than him, and I wish she had some more lacing, but she has more than she did a month ago, so there's hope for her yet. Fingers crossed she gets more! What do you guys think of her? I love the smoky gray she's got on her head and neck!

Ignore the baby BCM photo bomb

Do you have a picture of the sire? I'd love to see him. I hope I am wrong too, it is never fun to see people's birds turn out different from what they expected. On your little K I see brass color on his wing, back, chest, and in his hackles. His saddle feathers look good though. The shafting and lacing could be improved a lot. As far as your pullet there, she is what a judge would write on a coop tag as 'TY' (too young). Cant tell from that age what she'll be like, although it looks that she has an overabundance of lacing. Her mahogany color is good though. If that K has better mahogany than her I would take back all the comments I said about his color. Maybe it just is the pic.
Hi everyone. ....I have 2 cockerels who will most likely stay here but unsure if they are good enough to breed. IF one is qualify enough and IF I can ever find a few nice pullets.....offspring would be sold as backyard pets as I'm not interested in showing but would like to be somewhat close to the SOP so they still look like a BLRW. LoL
Attached are 2 photos of each boy. The lighter one does not have great lacing but when he actually stands correctly his type is beautiful. unfortunately he is forever in the food container and difficult to get pictures of. His brother is darker with better lighting what is Forever on the move and I apologize if the shots are a little out of focus.
Any and all critiques welcomed.



Pet quality? Sure. Eye candy? Definitely! Close to the SOP? Might want to consider selling them and finding a different couple males. Although, if you are not showing, what does it matter? They look good in a backyard flock. For starters, they are really orange, not mahogany. We would call them BLOW's (Blue Laced Orange Wyandottes).
Also, their backs are incredibly long with tiny tails that pop right up.
I hate to crush your dreams, but I wouldn't breed him if I were you. I know pictures dont tell the whole story, but he is most certainly NOT deep mahogany. He is what we call in the BLRW orange, or brass. He has poor lacing and loads of shafting. His blue is ok. He's still young. He has time to develop. I'm merely telling you what I see now. It could change, probably not, but possibly. It costs the same amount to feed a bad bird as a good bird. Keep that in mind. 

I think it's too early to make those kinds of judgements.
Oh, and as promised, here's Piper (Pippin) and Phoebe together: Phoebe's a little more's hard to get a close-up of her with my little man. By the way, what do you think of keeping his name Piper even if he's a boy? I've gotten used to calling him that. Sometimes I call him "Pipes", but it'd be hard for me to change it now. I think I might keep it.
Piper sounds fine to me. The splash has good mahogany although a little light on lacing. They both have lots of maturing to do, I keep my cockerels till they are 1 year old before I make a final decision. Here in Australia we don't have the luxury of Foley's blood lines , so there are lots of Blue Laced Gold birds about.
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I think it's too early to make those kinds of judgements.

No, you're wrong. Sure, when you have a bunch of high quality birds with small imperfections, that can change, and a possible cull can turn into your best bird. But when you are dealing with such a wide range between good quality birds and the pics posted above, you can know pretty much right away when a bird isn't going to be too good.
No, you're wrong. Sure, when you have a bunch of high quality birds with small imperfections, that can change, and a possible cull can turn into your best bird. But when you are dealing with such a wide range between good quality birds and the pics posted above, you can know pretty much right away when a bird isn't going to be too good. 

I'm afraid I don't agree with you and I'm not sure how or why you feel qualified to tell anyone that they are wrong.
No, you're wrong. Sure, when you have a bunch of high quality birds with small imperfections, that can change, and a possible cull can turn into your best bird. But when you are dealing with such a wide range between good quality birds and the pics posted above, you can know pretty much right away when a bird isn't going to be too good. 

I wouldn't normally take any offense from what you said as I do get a lot of my birds from hatchery stock, but I bought these birds from a reputable breeder who sells show quality birds that have done well at shows in the area. The parents of these two birds were lovely examples of the breed, and the father has won best of breed at several shows, so this isn't poor quality stock, and I paid a hefty price for that distinction. I know you feel that you are right, but there's no need to be dismissive or to insult my birds in an underhanded way by referring to good quality and "the birds above" as if you have some clairvoyant knowledge of how they'll grow up to look. Disagree with other people as much as you want, but please leave my birds out of it.
I wouldn't normally take any offense from what you said as I do get a lot of my birds from hatchery stock, but I bought these birds from a reputable breeder who sells show quality birds that have done well at shows in the area. The parents of these two birds were lovely examples of the breed, and the father has won best of breed at several shows, so this isn't poor quality stock, and I paid a hefty price for that distinction. I know you feel that you are right, but there's no need to be dismissive or to insult my birds in an underhanded way by referring to good quality and "the birds above" as if you have some clairvoyant knowledge of how they'll grow up to look. Disagree with other people as much as you want, but please leave my birds out of it.

I would love to see pictures of the parent stock. Just curious. 9 times out of 10 a breeder is fooling themselves and their customers when they call their birds "show quality". Also.....BLRW cannot get best in breed at shows because they are not an accepted variety. The best they can get is BV. Just saying. Either the breeder was lying or the show he won at wasn't APA, and neither of those situations really is impressive.

Also, I am not trying to insult your birds....but they never really miraculously get crisp clear lacing, ditch the shafting, and lose the brassy color. They might get a little better, but thats it. Anyways, it is your choice to breed them, but after seeing what else is out there, I wouldn't if I were you. Sorry if I am insulting your birds, but when opinions are asked for.....they are received.
I would love to see pictures of the parent stock. Just curious. 9 times out of 10 a breeder is fooling themselves and their customers when they call their birds "show quality". Also.....BLRW cannot get best in breed at shows because they are not an accepted variety. The best they can get is BV. Just saying. Either the breeder was lying or the show he won at wasn't APA, and neither of those situations really is impressive. 

Also, I am not trying to insult your birds....but they never really miraculously get crisp clear lacing, ditch the shafting, and lose the brassy color. They might get a little better, but thats it. Anyways, it is your choice to breed them, but after seeing what else is out there, I wouldn't if I were you. Sorry if I am insulting your birds, but when opinions are asked for.....they are received. 

I hate to see this going on.
I understand FreedomFarm13......we all get sensitive when it comes to our birds; to us, they're all "the best" (like a doting parent in a way). BUT..... I honestly don't see where you insulted her or said anything terribly insulting about her birds. You were simply offering your advice and your personal opinion which is why many of us post here...... so that we can get critiques and opinions from other breeders/fanciers. I recently posted and asked for critiques on my two 5 month old cockerels. You were the only one who responded and I took your critique and agreed with most of what you said and disagreed with one thing but I never felt that you were insulting by giving your opinion. I understand FreedomFarm13 expecting her birds to be top quality with an impressive SOP themselves. If the breeder in fact has shown and done quite well with her birds that would be expected. I personally used to show dogs professionally and was a breeder as well. And this pertains to any animal. You cannot guarantee genetically that the offspring of two exceptional parents will always be just as good as the parents. The goal of course is that they are as good, if not better, but it's not always the case. I am not interested in showing but I would like to breed nice birds and that is why I often post here for advice on understanding the standard set for the breeds I have. I would say the majority of people here are fanciers and emotions do tend to run high at times but I can't believe there would be any true malice from any poster here.

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