Blue Scale Quail Chick With Leg Issue


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2023
Hatched some Blue Scale Quail about a week ago and currently have 5 in the brooder. One of them had some leg issues starting out and we were hoping getting into the brooder with the sand would help, but it seemed worse today. Is there anything we can try or do to help him? He's still trying to run around with the other chicks and he's eating and drinking with no problems. Trying to make sure they have a balanced diet with plenty of protein and vitamins. They are currently on a mix of the purina gamebird starter and the manna pro gamebird starter, we've supplemented it with live mealworms and scrambled eggs. Any advice would be appreciated!

You can try taping the toes straight and putting hobbles on the legs to keep them in place and see if it improves. They look pretty bad, though.

If you try to treat and you don't see improvement within 24 hours, you should probably cull the poor thing.

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