Blue with Red color and (sizzle/silkie) genetics questions...


15 Years
Jul 17, 2008
DC Region
This is Sheridan.


While he is not correct, he is Laura's favorite chicken. Go figure. We are not attempting anything other than pet breeding from him.

She loves the red in there and he does look like a walking fireworks display at dusk.

I was wondering if there is a pattern gene I could use to restrict the red to certain areas, like hackle and wings.

I'm going to be breeding him to BBS birds but would consider another if I could isolate the red. While I'm playing I might as well make a project out of him. Hopefully I'll get some luck hatching silkie or sizzle eggs and have a good dark faced silkie or sizzle pullet or two to work with.

But since the red is new to me - I gotta ask about the genetics - anyway to halt or curb the bleed?
Co? Not Pg. ??? Some bantam pyle? No huh? Hmm.

See why I asked - I'm befuddled.
He's gorgous, I don't blame her or you for wanting to breed him. I don't have a clue about chicken color genetics though. Hopefully somone who does will chime in. Will you be posting and doing followup on him and your project with him? I want to follow your progress/adventure! Best wishes.....
Okay, I've got a black Sizzle pullet. And am hoping for some black or blue silkies from some eggs coming this way. Taking him to silkies so I can correct the face.

Excuse me dude, you're a sizzle and the face is supposed to be DARK, you ninnypuss. And still he's pretty as he is. And he has the most amazing foot feathering for a free ranged featherfoots.

Anyone with spare sizzle or silkie eggs???? I can spare shipping costs... If I weren't paying the darn dentist every penny for three months this would be easier. But hey I make small exceptions for continuing the chickening thing - a girl has to have somethin to do...
He's well on the way to partridge, and judging from how I see the pattern come in on partridge wings--that's what you need to breed him to. Opt for a partridge Sizzle or silkie. You need a correct comb & skin. I'll look through my birds and see if I have a matching girl for you.
Silkies are the "multiple laced" partridge (e^b pg) phenotype rather than the wild-type version (e+ pg), which is more commonly called gold duckwing. So there is no separate colour to the wing triangle of silkies and other e^b pg partridges.
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Bwahahahahahahha Silly thank you. I hadn't gone there because he's not a typical pattern I recognize.

Now I'm sitting here praying he's a blue gold with birchen in there... or the demelanized black with birchen...

The FIREWORKS display of possible colors when playing with that pattern is just wayyyyyy too much fun and since his red doesn't extend to chest- maybe he is.

This is gonna be fun...

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