Blue Wyandottes from Welp pics

Or you could wait until next spring and get some hatching eggs from me.,
Your welcome.
I have 18 total, and I have probably 7 dark blue, 4 splash, and 8 of the pretty powder blue. I have 4 roos total ( i think) Im keeping two, and Im having a hard time deciding which two to keep. Im going to let them grow some and check out their personalities.
Do you have a place I can see the chicks of these. I am sure mine is not a blue wyandotte but it is getting very blue and has the same color of legs. The only thing is she has a chocolate colored head and back right now. I have been trying to figure out what she is.
Here is my blue winged supposed to be rooster. He has light blue legs.

Does anyone recognize this breed. I think it came from Mac Murry. My sister in law got it at the local poultry place. They order there chicks from someplace else. Seem I remember Murry being mentioned. Anyway she got a bunch of supposed to be roosters for 20 cents each. This one still doesn't look very rooster like to me. But I would really like to know the breed.

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