Blue x Black = Black??

I do understand that my sample size is small, as I mentioned in the original post. I was just wondering if there was anything else at play that I wasn't aware of that would make the chicks black.

Coincidentally, does anyone know how the black of Jersey Giants is constructed genetically?
Oddly, I just had a similar situation. Out of 8 eggs from a blue australorp roo and black australorp hen I got 2 that didn't hatch, 5 black chicks and one blue that died soon after hatching. I was wondering if there was a defect possibly linked to the blue gene.

I have 21 more due to hatch in 3 days. I'll update on the numbers then.
So from my second set of eggs 18 hatched. 6 were black australorp and 12 were blue australorp. If you add those to the first set of chicks we have 11 black and 12 blue, which is very close to a 50% split.
The picture shows my lightest blue, my darkest blue and one black, just for fun.


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