Blueberry/Neighbor rant

Years ago I had a similar problem with someone stealing pecans from our trees. I finally caught her in the act. She weighed about three hundred pounds, and she had climbed up into a tree and shook it like and earthquake.

She had all of her little kids down on the ground picking them up.

When I told her she was stealing, she said "No I am not, the good things in life belong to all of us." I guess she thought she had a right to everything.

I wonder what would have happened if she had fallen and broken her neck?

Rufus, you know the answer to that, she or her family would lawyer up and own your pecan tree - and your land

Calling the police may be an option where you have a police department, unfortantely, depending on your point of view, Lebanon is too rural to have police. It's the York County Sherrif's department, or the Maine State Police, and I don't think they'll do much over a blueberry dispute. We'll take care of it tomorrow. Hubby is going to go over there and have a talk with them, believe me, you wouldn't want him to be talking to you about trespassing on his land - he's a big, bearded, stern looking Mainer! Thank you all for your well wishes in the matter!
Oh lordie, I'm getting all lathered up just reading about this!

You go, big, burly, bearded Mainer! Put the fear of blueberry hell in them.
Hang you up a sign that reads "Trespassers will be shot - Survivors will be shot again"

If it were me and I were upset then I would deal with it as nice and neighborly as possible. I wouldn't go out calling the law, getting a search warrant or any of that that could lead to more problems with people you have to be close to. I would tell them that I wouldn't have minded but would really appreciate it if they would ask before getting them...or something to that affect....let them know I know but still be nice and kinda make 'em feel guilty if possible.
I live here in Maine and stealing someones blueberries ranks right up therah with stealing lobstahs from ourah traps. Im near Bangor and can head right oveah therah and post the signs and knock some heads togethah. You just be letting me know. Darn people they aint got no respect.

Good luck with all this, some people are foolish and cocky.

THAT IS A BAD BAD NEIGHBOR! I would be furious!!! I live in Maine and we have lots of blackberries...I would be livid if I found someone taking them without even the courtesy to ask! I can not believe the gall of some people, how on earth do they feel entitled to your blueberries???

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