Blueberry/Neighbor rant

I bought some blue berries couple days ago and boy were they expensive.At the price of blueberries I would file a police report and demand money for every blue berry. If they get away with it one time every time you are not there something you value will probably go missing.Somer people are so stupid that if you don't set bounderies first go round you will always have problems, but if they find out you will file police reports, you may not have so much trouble.If you ask for something I have, I would probably give it to you, or at least part of it, but steal it and I will shout you.
I just paid 22.95 $ for a 5 lb box of organic, to be delivered (fresh)on Aug 18 so maybe there is time that you can still get some picked for the freezer. Seems like a reasonable dollar amount to bill them.. I would call the police as I am sure they dont want the police poking their nose around, they are probably up to no good in more ways than one, inform the landlord too.
Quote: i was thinking about this and growing up, we had all kinds of tress. Mangoes, avocados, tangerine, bananas, breadfruit, papaya, etc....NEVER ONCE did we catch ANY of our neighbors in our yard let alone IN OUR TREES!!!!!
Apparently that neighbor had TOO MUCH of the 'good things in life'!

It was always my job to pass out the fruit from our trees to our neighbors. ALL of them. Bags and BAGS and BAAAAAAAGS of fruit! I don't think we would've given ANY to ANY neighbor who was THAT foolish.

* ALSO...the part of falling out of the tree....just FYI...that is YOUR liability. IF these "wonderful examples" of neighborly neighborness were to get HURT (tripping and falling, scrapes, bruises, falling, etc) while PILFERING your blueberries on YOUR PROPERTY....YOU ARE LIABLE for their potential 'injuries'. From the sounds of it...they SEEM*** like the kinda people who MIGHT take advantage of that too!!!

Tell your big burly and bearded Maine husband to put the fear of GOD into them.....then get a BIG, BURLY, PROTECTIVE dog!!! LOL

We have the "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again" sign up at our house!!! LOVE IT!

Again good luck with these guys. Let us know how it works out. And hope you feel better soon!
Reinbeau said she'll post a picture of me standing by one of the new" No Trespassing Signs" after I install them. Unfortunately I won't be able to put the fear of God in these people. They live from lawsuit to lawsuit... if you know what I mean. I get pretty worked up and feel violated when I think about how they just went over there even after we previously explained to them how we were trying to nurse the berries back. If they had only taken enough for a pie I'd be more than willing to overlook their rude behavior. The fact that they went back the day after with someone who doesn't even live with them that had a rake makes my blood boil. In my younger days I would've resorted to physical contact but I don't want to remortgage my house to defend myself after this clown took me to court. I'm willing to bet I'll be able to think of a way to get back at this guy if he continues without getting myself into trouble. I know how to make my point.
Luckily everybody else that lives on this 1600' lane has had run ins with this guy too. We were the only neighbors who didn't dislike these people.....................until now.
Well keep us informed either way. Maybe we could all help with brainstorming! rubber snakes in the blueberry patch? oooooh...action activated sprinkler systems?! (all after the NO TRESPASSING signs have been posted of course). Except MAYBE instead of 'water' there could be some other *cough-cough-animal urine-cough* liquid in the system. You's coming up on hunting season and there sure are a lot of 'stag lure scent' items out on sale now!
Hmmmm......I'll have to think on this. I'm sure my husband could come up with something REALLY LEGAL yet 'to the point'. We definitely DON'T want you getting into trouble. But we don't want them hanging around too long either! OOOOH....have there been any unusual activities going on at the house? Extra traffic? Lots of men coming and going? SOMETHING 'suspicious'? A well placed video camera COULD help!
I'll keep brainstorming for you!
I guess the LARGE, VICIOUS dog idea is out too....they'd probably JUMP the fence JUSt to get attacked so they could sue you! Got a LARGE 'territorial' rooster?

Let us know how it goes!

OH yeah...apparently these people have never heard the phrase..."you don't crap where you eat"!!! Hopefully they'll learn at their OWN expense!
*** ooooh...and if they threaten YOU with a lawsuit for politely asking them NOT to go on your property CAN file a report about that! Have it "on the record" so to speak! You also might want some kind of recording (camera from your place OR other small device) just as proof of how you spoke with them. (I'm not sure if recorded conversations have to be 'known' to both parties or nor in Maine to be used as evidence...but still...something to think about....)
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I have a pretty hateful rooster you can borrow. He really, really doesn't like strangers. He's not quite as big as Writer of Word's Rooster Nugget, but he makes up for it with a really bad attitude.

Cheeto the street thug rooster-
Woodchopper..... I am right there with you. What I lack in physicality (sp?) in the past decade I make up for in accuracy with my .45 . Folks don't steal from me. One way or another, it never works out in their favor.
Boyd, we're only up there every other weekend and these people choose to go onto our property when we're not there. Both Reinbeau and I have .45 too but will have to think up another strategy. I'm just kind of tee'd that I have to post land in the first place. Never thought I'd have to do it when I bought the land 19 years ago.
from your previous post (yeah I know the type > got em for neighbors)...these types take no notice unless you show up with a charge made to the police... (pity you didnt have a video) > I usgesst you all get a video system to catch them in the act... if the police are reluctant to do anything in these types of cases it is because they know it boils down to not having evidence... you get that video footage and you can hang em (with a nice $$$ compensation >including the cost of having to get the video system@!) Good luck

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