Blueberry/Neighbor rant

I hear ya! That's just so unbelieveable that they would do that. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm mad for ya .
Does SSS apply to neighbor's as well? If not how about sharing some rock salt out of a 12 gauge with em. It just boils my blood when people assume they can help themselves to stuff that doesn't belong to them.
I'd be going over their and giving them a bill for what they stole. I'd also put up no trespassing signs in the form of:

"ATTACK EMUS ON GUARD....trespassers will be chased down, pecked and stomped ! " But of course that's just me, LOL
After putting some serious thought into this problem. I have come to the conclusion that if you tell one of your neighbors that since there didn't seem to be any blue berries in the last years crop, that you will be peeing on them to improve production in the next year.

Don't tell the neighbor that steals; tell one that will gladly pass the information off to the thieves. Lets see if they steal next year's crop.

Hi folks, I just joined and somehow the link that I was given brought me right to this post. I have an idea for you, maybe you should think about putting some cameras on your property. I had a problem with vandalism awhile back and now I had 4 cameras around my house to help keep an eye on things. You can hook them up to a DVR that will record 24 hours a day and if you have a DSL or Cable internet line in that house you can hook up your DVR to it and you can log on at your home and view your cameras on your house in Maine. It would give you undisputed evidence should anything ever happen there in the future. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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I was just going to say the same this that you need trail cameras (I bought a inexpensive one for my nephew who is a hunter) and install it with a clear view of the area and then you have proof.

We purchased our house from my sister inlaw and the she and the neighbor put in a berm(mounded divider I don't know how to spell it) and planted azaleas and blueberries on it. Our side does better than theirs and we take care of our side weeding ect. They don't weed but did actually water this year we usually do that. The past two years they have picked them clean so he can have a pies! We have gotten enough before they strip them for a couple of blueberry pancake mornings but that is it. They are really nice neighbors and it is on both of our properties but they do no maintenance and take all the fruit.
How can you complain he plows our shared road, is there to help with any tree removal (they have a wood burner) and in all other aspects a OK neighbor. At least the raspberries are on our property and nobody picks them with out asking. They asked and I said I had somebody else lined up. Petty I know.
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I absolutely agree that the people had NO business coming on your property but think it would be a shame to waste the berries.

They totally should have asked you though and tresspassing was inexcusable!
Because of all the recent replies I decided to give everybody an update. Since we posted our property the weekend after this all happened they have stayed off our property. Most of the other neighbors on the lane are mad at them because they drive so fast on the dirt road giving little regard to dust and condition of the road. We haven't laid eyes on them since this all took place but that is mostly because we are only up there every other weekend. When this first took place the other neighbors didn't know if I had given them permission to pick on our land so they didn't say anything to them. Now that they are all up in arms I have little fear of the trespassers trying to pick in our blueberry patch next year. My friendly neighbors will work better than any surveillance cameras will.

One good thing about this whole ordeal is my wife and I are much closer to the other neighbors on the lane now. Another is I was gently reminded that I need to stop being so trusting with people I know so little about. I was brought up to give other people a certain amount of respect and unwisely assumed these people would do the same. I was wrong.

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