Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Can I ask you a question ? What chicken breed do you think comes closest to the most oringinal chicken breed.? Or does that even exist anymore?
Which one do you think is our oldest breed ? I would like to have one of the historic olders.
The jungle fowl/ game birds are probably the oldest.
Junior and his Junettes were processed thru Great Falls, Montana at 9:37 pm last night.
Oh boy, Oh boy!

Quote: The oldest American Bred Breed of chicken is the American Gamefowl, Game-type fowl were the first breeds brought to the U.S. and I would say is closest breed to the "original" chicken would have to be the slender body type Gamefowl breeds.
Also keep in mind that the Jungle Fowl isn't a chicken although it is said to be the breed of fowl that chicken originate from.

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Before people begin fantasizing about heritage birds and breeding them, let's take a moment for a reality check. It seems the beginners who live in the city, who are limited, by ordinance, to 6 hens, allowed no roosters, who have only had chickens in their bathroom or backyard tiny coopette for just a few weeks, ought to really master the whole keeping of birds first. I'm trying to say here what needs to be said, not necessarily what folks want to hear.

Use some hatchery grade hens to practice on. Get used to raising out chicks, integrating birds, living with them for a few years and experience the entire cycle for a couple of years. Feeding, coop cleaning, life, death, euthanizing, disease, the whole deal. If you succeed with those hatchery birds and still want to do this in two years, great. Until then?

Sell your city house and buy yourself a place in the country where you really can breed quality birds, keep crowing roosters, learn all about rooster behaviors up close and personal, build multiple coops, pens and barns. Meanwhile, sit in on some local breed club meetings. Go to regional APA sanctioned poultry shows, look at the fancy birds, submit to a mentor, meet some people, and spend a whole lot of time as a student and spend a lot more time just listening.

Otherwise, this is all just an internet fantasy.
That is precisely what I'm in the middle of doing. Oh sure I can have a rooster here and a flock of around a dozen, but I want to have more space and be more free.
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Thank you for sharing that! (And it's EXACTLY the kind of story I expected to hear - you didn't start with "junk" AND you had a good eye/instinct from the start. Somebody respected that and you were on your way .... )

I started with junk, but as soon as I realized I had junk I got the best I could afford to start with. Even though I was young at the time I realized that I didn't want to waste ten years trying to make a good bird out of junk.


Quote: This is excellent advice. We have some of those SPPA long time breeders here on this thread. There are excellent articles and advice in the old SPPA bulletins too. I especially enjoyed the critique by Joe M. (Yellow House Farms, NH?) a couple years back or so about the ALBC heritage chicken tasting contest -- that should be printed here if possible for those who haven't read it.
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