Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Wild teenagers indeed..I had to get rid of a couple of Roosters too..the theme song from the good the bad and the ugly would be in my head when I entered the pen..I felt like, 2 would go in and only 1 might come out ..I would be dressed like a gladiator just to get a couple eggs, garbage can lid for a sheild..I went round for round just trying to care for that rooster...just trying to powder him was such an ordeal..I would come out black and blue , bit and scratched ect...That many years ago I thought thats just what you were supposed to do, just deal with him..sometimes I just didnt feel like dealing with him..and in summer the buggs get bad..I finnally realised I didnt have to go through this...I even thought this type bird is a mans there are ladies horses and mens horses..little bit more of a challenge...A little protectiveness doesnt bother me but the all out assults and pro wrestling matches just to treat a bird for bugs were too much..I even thought , I made him this way by badgering him to powder him..then I got a different breed..what a world of difference..I still expect to get flogged , but That has never happened..I know how to do the go ahead and make my day thing..but glad it isnt that way anymore..
Your characters always comes alive when you write; I love reading your posts..

Lately, I am having strange experiences with my boys, and some are not pleasant at all. The black one was trying to feed me by offering what ever he found on the ground. Dragon Lady told me to put a stop to it immediately to prevent very possible future problems; followed her advice and has been working out quite well. Now, all his attention is on the hens, and ignores me. He receives good reception from the young girls, but, gets chased and beaten up a bit by the older hens. My 6 year old hen is less than half his size, but, she makes him run for his life at least once a day..

Now, I am having trouble with one of the two cuckoo boys, and am trying to figure out what to do about it. It started with him biting my toes, and ankles, and at times it was so painful that tears were running down my face. Finally I solved the toe biting problem by wearing boots when ever I walked outside.
Now, he is biting my hands and wrist while I am giving treats, or doing daily care. He is not just giving a peck but holding on and then twisting his head side to side as if trying to take a chunk off. Couple of times he made it bleed; and with all the scars and scabs, my hands and wrists look like as if I was in a battle. I have started to wear leather gloves, and am not enjoying walking around in boots, gloves, and long sleeves in the heat of the summer.

Yes, I did the "catch the rooster and carry him around" and "pin the rooster down" treatment without any satisfactory results. For the last couple of days, he is doing this wing down tap dance, and when I push him away, he is coming right back with a side way crab walk. Oh, he does not do any of it to my husband; actually quite docile with him. When ever someone visits us, he is following them very closely where ever they go which I am worried that he will start biting friends as well. I am not sure if it is a phase he is going through, or if it is the beginning of temperament problems which I will not be able to correct. He is almost 10 pounds at the age of 5 1/2 months, and not so easy to catch and carry around when ever he behaves poorly. At this point, I don't know what to do, how to correct the problem, and unfortunately the unpleasant experience is escalating by the day. Oh, I tried caging him as well, which made him quite upset, and behave even hands are full with this brat!!
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Hi y'all,

I am new to the chicken thing. My first ever chickens are 14 weeks old. I have been reading and studying since I knew we were getting them. Every time I do a search for a question, I end up back here on BYC. So I've been lurking around here for about 4 months now.

A friend with chickens offered to hatch some for me.
She told me they were Domineckers. NOT ... What I have are 8 mutts. But, at least I' getting a start.

I am trying to decide what breed(s) I would like.
Hi y'all,

I am new to the chicken thing. My first ever chickens are 14 weeks old. I have been reading and studying since I knew we were getting them. Every time I do a search for a question, I end up back here on BYC. So I've been lurking around here for about 4 months now.

A friend with chickens offered to hatch some for me.
She told me they were Domineckers. NOT ... What I have are 8 mutts. But, at least I' getting a start.

I am trying to decide what breed(s) I would like.
Nothing wrong with raising "Mutts" to learn the husbandry skills necessary for poultry care. Its an beware!....and enjoy
Looks like no more fertile eggs for me until September at the earliest. It's so hot here I haven't had to fill the feed bins in 3 days. Usually I have to refill them every day. Males are breeding, hens are laying but zero fertile eggs from my LF birds.

Anyone else getting the effects of this heat? Supposed to be 110* heat index here today. Interested to see how my Langshans will do with this type of heat. Of course today, it's humid AND hot. I've summed up the weather as "bleck."
Quote: We have some fine breeders from South Carolina here. Maybe ask them if any breeds do better in S.C. than other places?
Food for thought,
Hi y'all,

I am new to the chicken thing. My first ever chickens are 14 weeks old. I have been reading and studying since I knew we were getting them. Every time I do a search for a question, I end up back here on BYC. So I've been lurking around here for about 4 months now.

A friend with chickens offered to hatch some for me.
She told me they were Domineckers. NOT ... What I have are 8 mutts. But, at least I' getting a start.

I am trying to decide what breed(s) I would like.

Domineckers covers a lot of territory and esp in the south. Usually its anything remotely resembling a Barred Rock or any other barred patterned chicken is considered a "dominecker". From the hatchery production types to the greatest of all, the "mutts" and then to the "real deals" even though most that have the real deals don't usually refer them as "domineckers" J/S

Jeff is just instinct for them to protect their flocks..the hormoness are their guide..some strains of orp are more prone to some agression..possibly somethng they added to get a certian color .while some are very peacable..

just for fun i watched this person called the chicken whisperer he had buckets of soft lightweight toys set around in different areas..he said.they hate things thrown at them but make sure its lightweight.and if they make any aggressive moves..pummel them with the toys
it was cute because they showed a rooster that sent grown men screaming..after months of this the rooster ignores everyone..

i personally used to walk around with a walking stick,used to be a small rake..ive never hit him with that rake..just hold him at bay until he realises hes unable to get near me....he tottaly ignored me when he saw me walking with a stick..he doesnt know its not a rake..i could tie him up like a pretzle with that stick.when his feet would come off the ground to flogg me..iwould flip him...that roosters long gone now..we cohabitated and that was about it..i never collected or hatched anything from him..he was a good learning curve for episode of crouching tiger hidden have to kind of plan things around that make sure hes penned befor you approach his hens.thats usually what starts it..the birds we have now dont even look at me if i pick up their hens...i dont get mad at them its just instinct..i dont keep the meanies anymore..havnt had a meanie in quite a few years..its all out rooster managment or by by..he will hurt you..
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Quote: I do. Freezer camp. There's no reason on God's good earth you should have scars and wounds from a cock. And you make your artist's living with your hands. Protect them, Not that bird.
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So, I'm pretty anti hand-feeding, which primarily stems from goose husbandry, but I'm hearing echoes of it here. If males are commonly trying to take dominance over you; there's a pecking-order problem. If your husbandry methods make you seem like just one of the flock, that's not a good thing.

On the other hand, some of this is hereditary and needs to be selected away from. Nevertheless, males shouldn't be becoming routinely aggressive. There's something wrong if they are.
Quote: That's interesting, YHF. I rarely hand feed my birds treats. But had been reading how much fun it was. When I go to the coop, the flock comes running over to see what goodies I have to place on the run floor or throw to them. Well the other day, I decided it might be "fun" to start handfeeding them some clover thru the chicken wire. Then opened the coop door to hand feed it directly to them. It only took about 45 seconds to realize how much hassle this could create as the youngsters jostled for position each one trying to be first to grab the treat from my hand. ok. 'nough of that. No more handfeeding treats. I like my fingers too much.
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