
15 Years
Jul 21, 2007
Western Oregon
Ok, I have to ask...

Who here has watched Bob Ross paint his happy little trees? I watched this all the time when I was younger. It was so peaceful...
DH and I LOVED Bob Ross. Every once in a while, we will catch a rerun....doesnt matter, I can watch him ALL day long. I love seeing his "furry friends" and how soft and soothing his voice was. Oh, and when he said...." everyone needs a friend" and would paint another tree. He is greatly many I am sure.
This is weird, I was just talking about him tonight and we were jokin about the happy little trees, and happy little clouds. I've painted his style before but coul never get the "look". Too bad he's gone.
He was awesome. He could totally put me in a trance watching him paint. I was always amazed at how quickly he could make a great painting. It was just like WOW.

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