

10 Years
Jul 24, 2010
Beautiful Lake County
This week I lost 2 of my hens to what I figured was a fox. I have seen them around. Then 2 days later the flock was squacking (sp) up a storm. Looked of the deck and saw a beautiful bobcat sneaking up into the yard. That night we had to carry the peeps to bed, they wanted to roost on the front perch. I guess to them it was safer. Now the poor things are stuck into the coop until we can build a run and the bobcat forgets easy food. May be a while.

The up side is that my darling said I need to get more chicks now.
Yeah, a run is a necessary part of the coop where I live. I have all the predators except big cats and big snakes. If I didn't have a secure run I wouldn't have chickens. Sorry for your losses.

Good luck building a run.

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