Boil Type Thing on Leg


5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Our male duck was "overgroomed" a bit by our Lab last summer and ended up with some pretty nasty cuts to the chest and a sore leg. I managed to nurse him back to health with frequent washing, extra food and some tea tree oil. He recovered completely, except for a bit of a limp. Over the winter (in Canada), his leg got quite a bit worse and it seems immobile. I can't put him down because Daffy still seems to move around, has lots of spirit and otherwise seems healthy- he just requires frequent bathing. This spring, I've noticed this big boil like thing on his upper leg, right below the feathers. When looking at it, I touched it, and it...came out...a plaque type deposit about the size of a decent marble. Unfortunately it keeps coming back- how can I take care of this thing? Should I wash it and wrap it in gauze? Has anyone dealt with anything like this before? Like I said, he's taken a turn for the worse in terms of his leg but he is still bright, alert and full of spirit...any guidance would be appreciated!
If you have any access to antibiotics, I would recommend putting him on them (or using an antibiotic ointment on the wound) if the wound is open or bloody. Wash the wound and make sure there's nothing inside the cavity, and then bandage it as best you can to protect it (if you do bandage it, keep him away from your other birds so they don't remove it). Change the bandages frequently as moisture is your enemy here.

Of course, above all, I would recommend taking him to a vet, if you have the resources to do so.

-coming from the daughter of a practicing veterinarian
Sounds to me like there is something still in the leg. I agree, a vet can often help.

In any case, I would try something to draw whatever is irritating the leg out. Epsom salt has that reputation so I would try a compress (don't let ducks ingest it, it is a laxative). Just soak a clean cloth in Epsom salt and water solution, wrap that around the leg and wait patiently for several minutes
It can be done (voice of experience).

Some have had success using a potato bandage. You crush up some raw potato - without the skin - and place it (poultice) on the wound. Ideally, you can wrap the leg with the potato and leave it overnight. I know this is a big challenge.

There may also be a drawing salve that might work.
Okay, thanks for your responses- what a wonderful website! I soaked his leg in salt water in the bath, cleaned the wound, put some polysporin in the wound and then wrapped it. This will have to do for today- tomorrow I will look in to getting some proper antibiotics and I will try the potato poultice. Is it possible that this is "bumble foot"?

So this is what Daffy's leg looks like after a week or so of soaking with Epson Salts and wrapping with Polysporin and gauze- 1000x times better! He still doesn't walk very well (the joint is really swollen and sideways) but I'm hoping he either manages or improves once the weather smartens up.

Thanks for all of your input, Daffy appreciates it.

So this is what Daffy's leg looks like after a week or so of soaking with Epson Salts and wrapping with Polysporin and gauze- 1000x times better! He still doesn't walk very well (the joint is really swollen and sideways) but I'm hoping he either manages or improves once the weather smartens up.

Thanks for all of your input, Daffy appreciates it.
I'd keep up with soaks and get some colorless iodine to put on the place where the sore is. paint it on with a q tip so you get alot on there then leave it alone for 2-3 days post back with new pic so we can see what it looks like. Glad to hear she has improved. Bumble is staff infection and can be other place on the body besides the feet. Just the colorless iodine after Epsom salt soak no poly this time. Make sure it's colorless iodine that works the best with bumble.

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